Index of  //*.*

wCME is a Let's Encrypt™ Automatic Certificate Management Environment for WASD TLS.

Check READMORE.HTML for build and configuration information.

wCME Copyright © 2017 Mark G.Daniel <[email protected]>

       Name                                 Revised         Size  Description
[DIR]  acme-client-portable-0_1+   8-Nov-2019 10:16        2,048  subdirectory
[DIR]  libtls-15_6/                8-Nov-2019 10:16          512  subdirectory
[DIR]  obj_ia64/                   8-Nov-2019 10:16          512  subdirectory

[HTM]  acme-client_1.html          8-Nov-2019 10:16       16,718  "ACME-CLIENT(1)"
[TXT]              8-Nov-2019 10:16        5,474  DCL procedure
[BIN]  cacert-2017-06-07.pem       8-Nov-2019 10:16      256,008  Privacy Enhanced Mail certificate
[TXT]  certman.c                   8-Nov-2019 10:16       21,923  C source
[TXT]  certman.h                   8-Nov-2019 10:16        1,266  C header
[TXT]  http01.c                    8-Nov-2019 10:16       11,950  C source
[TXT]  http01.h                    8-Nov-2019 10:16          588  C header
[CSS]  mandoc.css                  8-Nov-2019 10:16        5,777  W3C Cascading Style Sheet
[TXT]  overseer.c                  8-Nov-2019 10:16        6,074  C source
[TXT]  overseer.h                  8-Nov-2019 10:16          508  C header
[HTM]  readme.html                 8-Nov-2019 10:16          469  HyperText Markup Language
[HTM]  readmore.html               8-Nov-2019 10:16       36,529  "WASD Certificate Management Environment"
[TXT]  report.c                    8-Nov-2019 10:16        9,445  C source
[TXT]  report.h                    8-Nov-2019 10:16        1,654  C header
[TXT]  script.c                    8-Nov-2019 10:16        7,967  C source
[TXT]  script.h                    8-Nov-2019 10:16          710  C header
[TXT]  ssl_1.opt                   8-Nov-2019 10:16           74  VMS linker options
[TXT]  ssl_open.opt                8-Nov-2019 10:16           76  VMS linker options
[TXT]  ssl_wasd.opt                8-Nov-2019 10:16           66  VMS linker options
[TXT]  util.c                      8-Nov-2019 10:16       14,490  C source
[TXT]  util.h                      8-Nov-2019 10:16          931  C header
[TXT]               8-Nov-2019 10:16        1,946  DCL procedure
[TXT]              8-Nov-2019 10:16        1,818  DCL procedure
[TXT]            8-Nov-2019 10:16        1,234  DCL procedure
[TXT]            8-Nov-2019 10:16        6,128  DCL procedure