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PHPBLD_ROOT:[sapi.phpdbg]phpdbg_io.c;2Unable to create socketHost '%s' not found. %sCould not translate address '%s'%u ---Type to continue or q to quit--- %s:#%ld%s:%ld%s#%ld%s::%s#%ld%s::%sPHPBLD_ROOT:[sapi.phpdbg]phpdbg_prompt.c;1Unrecognized command on line %d: %s, %b!%b line="%d" input="%s"Unrecognized command in %s:%d: %s, %b!%b file="%s" line="%d" input="%s"initfailurephpdbginit code:><:argument requiredUnsupported parameter type (%s) for commandtype="wrongarg" got="%s"commandunknown EOL name '%s', give crlf, lf, crunknown EOL name '%s', give crlf, lf, creolNot runningtype="noexec"%bNo information available about executing contextCurrent opline: %p (op_array information unavailable)opline="%p"Current opline: executing internal codeCurrent opline: in internal function %sfunc="%s"Current opline: %p (op #%lu) in %s:%uopline="%p" num="%lu" file="%s" line="%u"hardinterruptProgram received signal SIGINTtype="SIGINT"signalBreaking for leave at %s:%uid="leave" file="%s" line="%u"breakpointUncaught %s in %s on line %lld: %.*sname="%s" file="%s" line="%lld"exceptionmessagelinefileSet watchpoint on %.*svariable="%.*s"watchConditionals %deval="%d"Method oplines %dmethodoplines="%d"Function oplines %dfunctionoplines="%d"File oplines %dfileoplines="%d"Oplines %doplines="%d"Methods %dmethods="%d"Functions %dfunctions="%d"File %dfiles="%d"clearClearing Breakpoints Includes %dincludes="%d"Constants %dconstants="%d"Functions %dClasses %dclasses="%d"cleanCleaning Execution Environment Do you really want to clean your current environment?The requested name (%s) is already in usetype="inuse" function="%s"The requested function (%s) could not be foundtype="notfound" function="%s"Registered %sfunction="%s"registerFailed to open or create %s, check path and permissionstype="openfailure" file="%s"exportw+Failed to open %s for initializationtype="openfile" file="%s"rFailed to stat %s, file does not existtype="notfound" file="%s"source%s name="%s"moduleextensionThis shared object is nor a Zend extension nor a moduletype="nophpso"Unable to initialize module %stype="initfailure" module="%s"Unable to startup module %stype="startupfailure" module="%s"Unable to register module %stype="registerfailure" module="%s"type="wrongbuild" module="%s" buildneeded="%s" buildinstalled="%s"_get_moduleget_moduleZend extensionUnable to startup Zend extension %stype="startupfailure" extension="%s"%s was built with configuration %s, whereas running engine is %stype="wrongbuild" extension="%s" buildneeded="%s" buildinstalled="%s"API320151012,NTS%s requires Zend Engine API version %d, which does not match the installed Zend Engine API version %dtype="wrongapi" extension="%s" apineeded="%d" apiinstalled="%d"_zend_extension_entryzend_extension_entry_extension_version_infoextension_version_info%stype="unknown"Not a full path given or extension_dir ini setting is not settype="relpath"dl%s%c%s%s%sextension_dirModulesextensiontype="module"Zend extensionsextensiontype="Zend extension"Successfully loaded the %s %s at path %sextensiontype="%s" name="%s" path="%s"Could not load %s, not found or invalid zend extension / module: %bpath="%s" %bFailed to execute %stype="failure" smd="%s"shwExecution context not set!inactiveNo set command selected!type="toofewargs" expected="1"setIncluded %dVM Return %dvmret="%d"Executing %sexecuting="%d"Variables %dvars="%d"Opcodes %dops="%d"Oplog %soplog="%s"Quietness %squiet="%s"Stepping %sstepping="%s"onoffCompiled %scompiled="%s"yesnoExec %scontext="%s"noneLibedit nolibedit="no"Readline yesreadline="yes"infoExecution Context Information Invalid arguments to print, expected nothing, function name or method nametype="invalidarg"printNot executing!Printing variable %.*sevaleval()'d codeCould not fetch data, invalid data sourcesignalsegvCould not open file %stype="openfailure" context="%s"Successful compilation of %scompileNo execution contexttype="nocontext"msg="%s"exceptionmsgUncaught %s in %s on line %lldstring__tostringNothing to execute!Invalid run command, unterminated escape sequenceCould not open '%s' for reading from stdinpath="%s"stdinInvalid run command, cannot put further arguments after stdincmdFailed to compile %s, cannot runtype="compilefailure" context="%s"Do you really want to restart execution?Currently in frame #%did="%d"frameAlready at the end of the functiontype="end"leaveNot executingSuccessful compilation of stdin inputcontext="-"-%c%p-?>Cannot stat %s, ensure the file existstype="notfound" context="%s"Cannot use %s as execution context, not a valid file or symlinktype="invalid" context="%s"Set execution context: %stype="set" context="%s"Destroying compiled opcodestype="unsetops"Unsetting old execution context: %stype="unset" context="%s"Do you really want to stop execution to set a new execution context?Execution context not changedtype="unchanged"exec.phpdbginit%s/%s/php_root/000000%s/.phpdbginitPHP_INI_SCAN_DIR%s Output overrun of %lu bytesoverrun="%lu"helpaliases!alias %c %-20s %s aliasinfoh %c %c %s %-*s %sparent_alias="%c" alias="%c" parent="%s" name="%-*s" tip="%s"subcommand %c %-20s %salias="%c" name="%s" tip="%s"commandBelow are the aliased, short versions of all supported commandsCommand: **%s** Alias: **%c** **%s** overview!Internal help error, non-unique alias "%c"type="ambiguousalias" alias="%s"duplicate! requested help page could not be found >%05u: %.*sline="%u" code="%.*s" current="current" %05u: %.*sline="%u" code="%.*s"lineCould not find information about included file...type="unknownfile"listUnsupported parameter type (%s) for commandtype="wrongarg" got="%s"commandNot executing, and execution context not settype="execution"inactive%s%c%pThe function requested (%s) is not user definedtype="internalfunction" function="%s"Could not list function %s, invalid data sourcefunction="%s"signalsegvFunction %s not foundtype="nofunction" function="%s"No function table loadedtype="function_table"No active classtype="noclasses"The requested class (%s) could not be foundtype="notfound" class="%s"The class requested (%s) is not user definedtype="internalclass" class="%s"The source of the requested class (%s) cannot be foundtype="nosource" class="%s"Could not find the class %sCould not find %s::%stype="notfound" method="%s::%s"syntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %s or %s or %s or %ssyntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %s or %s or %ssyntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %s or %ssyntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %ssyntax error, unexpected %ssyntax errormemory exhausted--> Parse Error: %stype="parseerror" msg="%s"commandNot Executing!type="execution"inactive Internal %s()type="Internal" function="%s" Internal %s::%s()type="Internal" method="%s::%s" L%-4u #%-5u %sline="%u" opnum="%u" op="%s"printL%d-%d %s() %s - %p + %d opstype="User" startline="%d" endline="%d" function="%s" file="%s" opline="%p"{main}L%d-%d %s::%s() %s - %p + %d opstype="User" startline="%d" endline="%d" method="%s::%s" file="%s" opline="%p"printoplineinfounknownfunction name: %s::%s function name: %s::%s (internal) function name: %s -%s, %d methods: %s %s: %s abstract Classclassinterfaceuserinternalfunction name: %.*s function name: (null) :: Couldn't fetch function %.*s, invalid data sourcefunction="%.*s"signalsegvThe function %s could not be foundtype="nofunction" function="%s"%s %s %s (%d ops)type="%s" flags="%s" symbol="%s" num="%d"printinfoUserInternalMethodFunctionNo function table loadedtype="function_table"No active classtype="noclasses"The class %s could not be foundtype="noclass" class="%s"The method %s::%s could not be foundtype="nomethod" method="%s::%s"%s Method %s (%d ops)type="%s" flags="Method" symbol="%s" num="%d"%s %s: %s (%d methods)type="%s" flag="%s" class="%s" num="%d"Abstract ClassClassInterfaceStack @ %p (%d ops)opline="%p" num="%d"Stack in %s (%d ops)file="%s" num="%d"Stack in %s() (%d ops)function="%s" num="%d"Stack in %s::%s() (%d ops)method="%s::%s" num="%d"No execution context settype="nocontext"Context %s (%d ops)GLOBALSuserinisysteminiThe Zend extension %.*s isn't present in phpdbg, you still can load via dl /path/to/extension.somissingextension="%.*s"extensionsThe module %.*s isn't present in phpdbg, you still can load via dl /path/to/module/%.*s.somissingmodule="%.*s"phpdbgmodulessapi_namecwdinput_FILES_ENV_COOKIE_GET_POSTSCRIPT_FILENAME_SERVERMalformed serialized was sent to this socket, arbortingtype="invaliddata" import="fail"wait)]%s%s=%s[? variadic="%s" name="%s">variadic> symbol="%s%s%s"argstypeclassobjectfunctionCouldn't fetch backtrace, invalid data sourcesignalsegvframe #%d: {main} at %s:%ldid="%d" symbol="{main}" file="%s" line="%d"framelinefile (internal function) at %s:%ld Invalid backtrace size %dtype="minnum"backtraceCouldn't switch frames, invalid data sourceSwitched to frame #%dNo frame #%dtype="maxnum" id="%d"Already in frame #%did="%d"macMACcrCRunixUNIXlfLFdosDOScrlfCRLFopcodeOpcode Breakpoints: Invalid parameter type for conditional breakpointtype="invalidparameter"#%d if %s%sid="%d" eval="%s" disabled="%s"eval#%d at #%lx if %s%sid="%d" opline="%#lx" eval="%s" disabled="%s"evalopline#%d at %s:%lu if %s%sid="%d" name="%s" line="%d" eval="%s" disabled="%s"evalfile#%d at %s::%s#%ld if %s%sid="%d" name="%s::%s" num="%d" eval="%s" disabled="%s"evalmethodopline#%d at %s::%s if %s%sid="%d" name="%s::%s" eval="%s" disabled="%s"evalmethod#%d at %s#%ld if %s%sid="%d" name="%s" num="%ld" eval="%s" disabled="%s"evalfunctionopline#%d at %s if %s%sid="%d" name="%s" eval="%s" disabled="%s"evalfunctionConditional Breakpoints: fileoplineFile opline Breakpoints: #%d %s opline %ld%sid="%d" name="%s" num="%ld" disabled="%s"functionoplineFunction opline Breakpoints: #%d %s::%s opline %ld%sid="%d" name="%s::%s" num="%ld" disabled="%s"methodoplineMethod opline Breakpoints: #%d %#lx (%s breakpoint)%sid="%d" num="%#lx" type="%s" disabled="%s"#%d %#lx%sid="%d" num="%#lx" disabled="%s"oplineOpline Breakpoints: id="%d" name="%s" line="%lu" disabled="%s" pending="pending"Pending File Breakpoints: #%d %s:%lu%sid="%d" name="%s" line="%lu" disabled="%s"fileFile Breakpoints: #%d %s::%s%sid="%d" name="%s::%s" disabled="%s"methodMethod Breakpoints: #%d %s%sid="%d" name="%s" disabled="%s"function [disabled]Function Breakpoints: ------------------------------------------------ Unknown breakpoint at %s:%uid="" file="%s" line="%ld" hits="%lu"Conditional breakpoint #%d: on %s == true at %s:%u, hits: %luid="%d" eval="%s" file="%s" line="%ld" hits="%lu"Conditional breakpoint #%d: at %s if %s at %s:%u, hits: %luid="%d" location="%s" eval="%s" file="%s" line="%ld" hits="%lu"Breakpoint #%d in %s::%s() at %s:%u, hits: %luid="%d" method="%s::%s" file="%s" line="%ld" hits="%lu"Breakpoint #%d in %s at %s:%u, hits: %luid="%d" opcode="%s" file="%s" line="%ld" hits="%lu"Breakpoint #%d in #%lu at %s:%u, hits: %luid="%d" num="%lu" file="%s" line="%ld" hits="%lu"Breakpoint #%d in %s()#%lu at %s:%u, hits: %luid="%d" num="%lu" function="%s" file="%s" line="%ld" hits="%lu"Breakpoint #%d in %s::%s()#%lu at %s:%u, hits: %luid="%d" method="%s::%s" num="%lu" file="%s" line="%ld" hits="%lu"Breakpoint #%d in %#lx at %s:%u, hits: %luid="%d" opline="%#lx" file="%s" line="%ld" hits="%lu"Breakpoint #%d in %s() at %s:%u, hits: %luid="%d" function="%s" file="%s" line="%ld" hits="%lu"Breakpoint #%d at %s:%ld, hits: %luid="%d" file="%s" line="%ld" hits="%lu"breakpointFailed to find breakpoint #%ldtype="nobreakpoint" deleted="fail" id="%ld"Deleted breakpoint #%lddeleted="success" id="%ld"mainFailed to compile code for expression %sexpression="%s"compileConditional breakpoint #%d added %s/%pid="%d" expression="%s" ptr="%p"Conditional Breakpoint CodeConditional break %s exists at the specified locationtype="exists" arg="%s"Conditional break %s existstype="exists" expression="%s"Breakpoint exists for opline %#lxtype="exists" opline="%#lx"Breakpoint #%d added at %#lxid="%d" opline="%#lx"Breakpoint #%d added at %sid="%d" opcode="%s"Breakpoint exists for %stype="exists" opcode="%s"There are only %d oplines in method %s::%s (breaking at opline %ld impossible)type="maxoplines" add="fail" maxoplinenum="%d" method="%s::%s" usedoplinenum="%ld"There are only %d oplines in file %s (breaking at opline %ld impossible)type="maxoplines" add="fail" maxoplinenum="%d" file="%s" usedoplinenum="%ld"There are only %d oplines in function %s (breaking at opline %ld impossible)type="maxoplines" add="fail" maxoplinenum="%d" function="%s" usedoplinenum="%ld"%s::%s is not a user defined method, no oplines existtype="internalfunction" method="%s::%s"%s is not a user defined function, no oplines existtype="internalfunction" function="%s"Method %s doesn't exist in class %stype="nomethod" method="%s::%s"Breakpoint already exists for %s:%ldtype="exists" file="%s" num="%d"Pending breakpoint #%d at %s:%ldpending="pending" id="%d" file="%s" num="%ld"Breakpoint #%d added at %s:%ldid="%d" file="%s" num="%ld"Breakpoint already exists for %s#%ldtype="exists" function="%s" num="%ld"Pending breakpoint #%d at %s#%ldpending="pending" id="%d" function="%s" num="%ld"Breakpoint #%d added at %s#%ldid="%d" function="%s" num="%ld"Breakpoint already exists for %s::%s#%ldtype="exists" method="%s" num="%ld"Pending breakpoint #%d at %s::%s#%ldpending="pending" id="%d" method="%::%s" num="%ld"Breakpoint #%d added at %s::%s#%ldid="%d" method="%::%s" num="%ld"Breakpoint #%d resolved at %s%s%s#%ld (opline %#lx)add="success" id="%d" symbol="%s" num="%ld" opline="%#lx"::Breakpoint exists at %#lxtype="exists" add="fail" opline="%#lx"add="success" id="%d" opline="%#lx"Breakpoint exists at %s::%stype="exists" add="fail" method="%s::%s"Breakpoint #%d added at %s::%sadd="success" id="%d" method="%s::%s"Breakpoint exists at %stype="exists" add="fail" function="%s"add="success" id="%d" function="%s"Breakpoint at %s:%ld existstype="exists" add="fail" file="%s" line="%ld"add="success" id="%d" file="%s" line="%ld"Pending breakpoint #%d added at %s:%ldadd="success" id="%d" file="%s" line="%ld" pending="pending"Cannot set breakpoint in %s, it is not a regular filetype="notregular" add="fail" file="%s"Cannot stat %s, it does not existtype="nofile" add="fail" file="%s"%sbreak if %s %sbreak at "%s":%lu if %s %sbreak at %s::%s if %s %sbreak at %s if %s %sbreak "%s":#%llu %sbreak %s#%llu %sbreak %s::%s#%llu %sbreak %s::%s %sbreak %s %sbreak "%s":%lu \" Exporting %d breakpointscount="%d"exportbreakpoint-INFIllegal length modifier specified '%c' in s[np]printf callINFNANreq="%lu"(null)[%s]: %s %a %b %d %T.%%04d %Y&<%s severity="%s" %.*s msgout="" /><%s severity="%s" %.*s msgout="%.*s" />"req="%lu" %.*s[%ld %.8F]: %.*s logUTF-8stderrstdout%.*s normalnotice[%.*s] [%sm[%.*s] errorunknown type: %d%.*s%carray(%d)Rsrc #%d"%.*s"%c\" %.*G%lldtruefalsenullunknown& severity="error" >> name="%ld" protection="public" name="%.*s" protection="public" class="%s" protection="private" protection="protected" name="%s" name="%ld" name="%.*s"|-------- %s %s %.*s (%d)type="%s" flags="%s" name="%.*s" methodcount="%d"classAbstract ClassClassInterfaceUserInternalUser Classes (%d)classinfoNot all classes could be fetched, possibly invalid data sourceMemory Manager Disabled!type="memory_manager"inactivePeakpeak|-------> Real: %.3f kBreal|-------> Used: %.3f kBmem="%.3f"usedCurrentcurrentMemory Manager InformationmeminfoNot executing!type="execution"] |-------- C%u -------> [id="%u"literalLiteral Constants @ %p (%d)opline="%p" num="%d"Literal Constants in %s (%d)file="%s" num="%d"Literal Constants in %s() (%d)function="%s" num="%d"Literal Constants in %s::%s() (%d)method="%s::%s" num="%d"literalinfo%p n/a n/a $%saddress="%p" name="%s"%-18p %-7d %-9s %s$%.*s double (%lf)address="%p" refcount="%d" type="%s" refstatus="%s" name="%.*s" value="%lf"%-18p %-7d %-9s %s$%.*s int (%ld)address="%p" refcount="%d" type="%s" refstatus="%s" name="%.*s" value="%ld"%-18p %-7d %-9s %s$%.*s bool (false)address="%p" refcount="%d" type="%s" refstatus="%s" name="%.*s" value="false"%-18p %-7d %-9s %s$%.*s bool (true)address="%p" refcount="%d" type="%s" refstatus="%s" name="%.*s" value="true"%-18p %-7d %-9s %s$%.*s |-----(instanceof)----> (unknown) %-18p %-7d %-9s %s$%.*s |-----(instanceof)----> (%s) address="%p" refcount="%d" type="%s" refstatus="%s" name="%.*s" instanceof="%s"%-18p %-7d %-9s %s$%.*s |-------(typeof)------> (unknown) address="%p" refcount="%d" type="%s" refstatus="%s" name="%.*s" type="unknown"%-18p %-7d %-9s %s$%.*s |-------(typeof)------> (%s) address="%p" refcount="%d" type="%s" refstatus="%s" name="%.*s" type="%s"unknown&%-18p %-7d %-9s %s$%.*saddress="%p" refcount="%d" type="%s" refstatus="%s" name="%.*s" %-18p %-7d %-9s %s$%.*s string (%zd) "%.*s%s"address="%p" refcount="%d" type="%s" refstatus="%s" name="%.*s" length="%zd" value="%.*s"variable...Address Refs Type Variable Variables @ %p (%d)Variables in %s (%d)Variables in %s() (%d)Variables in %s::%s() (%d)Superglobal variables (%d)variableinfoCannot fetch all data from the symbol table, invalid data sourceNo active op array!type="op_array"No active symbol table!type="symbol_table"Cannot show information about superglobal variable %.*sunreachable="%.*s"%-18p %-7d %-9s %.*s double (%lf)address="%p" refcount="%d" type="%s" name="%.*s" value="%lf"%-18p %-7d %-9s %.*s int (%ld)address="%p" refcount="%d" type="%s" name="%.*s" value="%ld"%-18p %-7d %-9s %.*s bool (false)address="%p" refcount="%d" type="%s" name="%.*s" value="false"%-18p %-7d %-9s %.*s bool (true)address="%p" refcount="%d" type="%s" name="%.*s" value="true"%-18p %-7d %-9s %.*saddress="%p" refcount="%d" type="%s" name="%.*s" %-18p %-7d %-9s %.*s string (%zd) "%.*s%s"address="%p" refcount="%d" type="%s" name="%.*s" length="%zd" value="%.*s"constantAddress Refs Type Constant User-defined constants (%d)constantinfoCannot fetch all the constants, invalid data sourceLast error: %s at %s line %derror="%s" file="%s" line="%d"No error found!error=""lasterrorCould not fetch file name, invalid data source, aborting included file listingFile: %sincludedfileCould not fetch included file count, invalid data sourceIncluded files: %dincludedfilecount%.*s%s%lld%s%.*s%s%s%s][->Array %.*s was removed, removing watchpoint%svariable="%.*s" recursive="%s"watchdelete recursively%.*s (%s, %s)variable="%.*s" on="%s" type="%s"watchvariablerecursivesimplerefcountvariablearray%lld%.*s[] reference="reference"New value%s: (reference)Watchpoint %.*s was unset, removing watchpointvariable="%.*s" Old value: Old value inaccessible or destroyedtype="old" inaccessible="inaccessible"watchvalueInternal pointer of array was changedwatcharrayptr%d elements were added to the arrayadded="%d"%d elements were removed from the arrayremoved="%d"watchsizeNew refcount: %dtype="new" refcount="%d"Old refcount: %dtype="old" refcount="%d"watchrefcountBreaking on watchpoint %.*svariable="%s"watchhitthis$this%.*s was removed, removing watchpoint%sUnsupported parameter type (%s) for commandtype="wrongarg" got="%s"commandSet array watchpoint on %.*swatcharraySet recursive watchpoint on %.*swatchrecursiveRemoved watchpoint %.*sNothing was deleted, no corresponding watchpoint foundtype="nowatch"~%u@%u$%.*s%c%-23s %-20s %-20s %-20sJ%td or J%tdJ%uJ%td%uFAST_CALLFAST_RET<%s>TO_CATCHTO_FINALLYUNKNOWNL%-5u %16p %s %s L%-5u %16p %s %sline="%u" opline="%p" op="%s" file="%s"oplineunknownCurrent prompt: %sstr="%s"setpromptShowing refcounts %sactive="%s"setrefcountonoffUnsupported parameter type (%s) for commandtype="wrongarg" got="%s"commandStepping %stype="%s"usage set stepping []type="wrongargs"setsteppinglineopcodeQuietness %ssetquietOplog %sSuccessfully opened oplog %sfile="%s"Closing previously open oplogtype="closingold"Failed to open %s for oplogtype="openfailure" file="%s"setoplogw+Colors %sset colors used incorrectly: set colors setcolorssetting prompt color to %s (%s)type="prompt" color="%s" code="%s"setting error color to %s (%s)type="error" color="%s" code="%s"Failed to find the requested element (%s)type="invalidtype"setting notice color to %s (%s)type="notice" color="%s" code="%s"Failed to find the requested color (%s)type="nocolor"setcolorBreakpoints %sset breaks used incorrectly: set breaks setbreaksset break used incorrectly: set break [id] Failed to find breakpoint #%ldtype="nobreak" id="%ld"Breakpoint #%ld %sid="%ld" active="%s"setbreakLines %ldset lines used incorrectly: set lines setlinesPagination %sset pagination used incorrectly: set pagination setpagination%p: %p 2filelineclassmethodelementcolorstringcontextoptionsoptionsphpdbg0.5.0phpdbgphpdbgrunlistenhelpversion9223372036854775808phpdbg.pathphpdbg.eolfunctionphpdbg_clearphpdbg_break_nextphpdbg_break_filephpdbg_break_methodphpdbg_break_functionphpdbg_execphpdbg_colorphpdbg_promptphpdbg_start_oplogphpdbg_end_oplogphpdbg_get_executableAPI20151012,NTSini path overridedefine ini entry on command lineno php.iniload zend_extensionno bannerdisable quietnessboring coloursspecify initignore initopline loggenerate ext_stmt opcodesstep-through-evalscript from stdinsapi-nameaddress-or-anyxml outputshow opcodes92233720368547758089223372036854775808execsstdinssteprun|seviuntilfinishleaveprint|*cbreak|*cback|nframe|nlist*info|scleanclearhelp|ssetsssourcesexportsshiquitwaitwatch|ssnexteolset EOL|s9223372036854775808set execution contextread script from stdinstep through executioncontinuecontinue executionattempt executionevaluate some codecontinue past the current linecontinue past the end of the stackcontinue until the end of the stackprint somethingset breakpointshow traceswitch to a framelists some codedisplays some informationsclean the execution environmentclear breakpointsshow help menuset phpdbg configurationregisterregister a functionexecute a phpdbginitexport breaks to a .phpdbginit scriptshell a commandexit phpdbgwait for other processset watchpointstep over next linealiasesoptionssyntaxoptionssyntaxbackbreakcleanclearevexecstdinfinishframeinfoleavelistprintrunsetshsourceexportstepnextuntilwatch9223372036854775808show alias listcommand line optionsoverviewhelp overviewphpdbginitphpdbginit file formatsyntax overviewoverview!phpdbginitaliases!duplicate!continueregister **phpdbg** is a lightweight, powerful and easy to use debugging platform for PHP5.4+ It supports the following commands: **Information** **list** list PHP source **info** displays information on the debug session **print** show opcodes **frame** select a stack frame and print a stack frame summary **back** shows the current backtrace **help** provide help on a topic **Starting and Stopping Execution** **exec** set execution context **stdin** set executing script from stdin **run** attempt execution **step** continue execution until other line is reached **continue** continue execution **until** continue execution up to the given location **next** continue execution up to the given location and halt on the first line after it **finish** continue up to end of the current execution frame **leave** continue up to end of the current execution frame and halt after the calling instruction **break** set a breakpoint at the specified target **watch** set a watchpoint on $variable **clear** clear one or all breakpoints **clean** clean the execution environment **Miscellaneous** **set** set the phpdbg configuration **source** execute a phpdbginit script **register** register a phpdbginit function as a command alias **sh** shell a command **ev** evaluate some code **quit** exit phpdbg Type **help ** or (**help alias**) to get detailed help on any of the above commands, for example **help list** or **h l**. Note that help will also match partial commands if unique (and list out options if not unique), so **help clea** will give help on the **clean** command, but **help cl** will list the summary for **clean** and **clear**. Type **help aliases** to show a full alias list, including any registered phpdginit functions Type **help syntax** for a general introduction to the command syntax. Type **help options** for a list of phpdbg command line options. Type **help phpdbginit** to show how to customise the debugger environment. Below are the command line options supported by phpdbg **Command Line Options and Flags** **Option** **Example Argument** **Description** **-c** **-c**/my/php.ini Set php.ini file to load **-d** **-d**memory_limit=4G Set a php.ini directive **-n** Disable default php.ini **-q** Suppress welcome banner **-v** Enable oplog output **-b** Disable colour **-i** **-i**my.init Set .phpdbginit file **-I** Ignore default .phpdbginit **-O** **-O**my.oplog Sets oplog output file **-r** Run execution context **-rr** Run execution context and quit after execution (not respecting breakpoints) **-e** Generate extended information for debugger/profiler **-E** Enable step through eval, careful! **-s** **-s=**, **-s**=foo Read code to execute from stdin with an optional delimiter **-S** **-S**cli Override SAPI name, careful! **-l** **-l**4000 Setup remote console ports **-a** **-a** Setup remote console bind address **-x** Enable xml output (instead of normal text output) **-p** **-p**, **-p=func**, **-p* ** Output opcodes and quit **-h** Print the help overview **-V** Print version number **--** **--** arg1 arg2 Use to delimit phpdbg arguments and php $argv; append any $argv argument after it **Reading from stdin** The **-s** option allows inputting a script to execute directly from stdin. The given delimiter ("foo" in the example) needs to be specified at the end of the input on its own line, followed by a line break. If **-rr** has been specified, it is allowed to omit the delimiter (**-s=**) and it will read until EOF. See also the help entry for the **stdin** command. **Remote Console Mode** This mode is enabled by specifying the **-a** option. Phpdbg will bind only to the loopback interface by default, and this can only be overridden by explicitly setting the remote console bind address using the **-a** option. If **-a** is specied without an argument, then phpdbg will bind to all available interfaces. You should be aware of the security implications of doing this, so measures should be taken to secure this service if bound to a publicly accessible interface/port. **Opcode output** Outputting opcodes requires that a file path is passed as last argument. Modes of execution: **-p** Outputs the main execution context **-p* **Outputs all opcodes in the whole file (including classes and functions) **-p=function_name** Outputs opcodes of a given function in the file **-p=class_name::** Outputs opcodes of all the methods of a given class **-p=class_name::method** Outputs opcodes of a given method Phpdgb uses an debugger script file to initialize the debugger context. By default, phpdbg looks for the file named **.phpdbginit** in the current working directory. This location can be overridden on the command line using the **-i** switch (see **help options** for a more details). Debugger scripts can also be executed using the **source** command. A script file can contain a sequence of valid debugger commands, comments and embedded PHP code. Comment lines are prefixed by the **#** character. Note that comments are only allowed in script files and not in interactive sessions. PHP code is delimited by the start and end escape tags **<:** and **:>**. PHP code can be used to define application context for a debugging session and also to extend the debugger by defining and **register** PHP functions as new commands. Also note that executing a **clear** command will cause the current **phpdbginit** to be reparsed / reloaded. Commands start with a keyword, and some (**break**, **info**, **set**, **print** and **list**) may include a subcommand keyword. All keywords are lower case but also have a single letter alias that may be used as an alternative to typing in thekeyword in full. Note some aliases are uppercase, and that keywords cannot be abbreviated other than by substitution by the alias. Some commands take an argument. Arguments are typed according to their format: * **omitted** * **address** **0x** followed by a hex string * **number** an optionally signed number * **method** a valid **Class::methodName** expression * **func#op** a valid **Function name** follow by # and an integer * **method#op** a valid **Class::methodName** follow by # and an integer * **string** a general string * **function** a valid **Function name** * **file:line** a valid **filename** follow by : and an integer In some cases the type of the argument enables the second keyword to be omitted. Type **help** for an overview of all commands and type **help ** to get detailed help on any specific command. **Valid Examples** $P quit $P q Quit the debugger $P ev $total[2] Evaluate and print the variable $total[2] in the current stack frame $P break 200 $P b my_source.php:200 Break at line 200 in the current source and in file **my_source.php**. $P b @ ClassX::get_args if $arg[0] == "fred" $P b ~ 3 Break at ClassX::get_args() if $arg[0] == "fred" and delete breakpoint 3 **Examples of invalid commands** $P #This is a comment Comments introduced by the **#** character are only allowed in **phpdbginit** script files. Note that aliases can be used for either command or sub-command keywords or both, so **info b** is a synomyn for **info break** and **l func** for **list func**, etc. Note that help will also accept any alias as a parameter and provide help on that command, for example **h p** will provide help on the print command. Parameter is not unique. For detailed help select help on one of the above commands.Provide a formatted backtrace using the standard debug_backtrace() functionality. An optional unsigned integer argument specifying the maximum number of frames to be traced; if omitted then a complete backtrace is given. **Examples** $P back 5 $P t A backtrace can be executed at any time during execution.Breakpoints can be set at a range of targets within the execution environment. Execution will be paused if the program flow hits a breakpoint. The break target can be one of the following types: **Target** **Alias** **Purpose** **at** **A** specify breakpoint by location and condition **del** **d** delete breakpoint by breakpoint identifier number **Break at** takes two arguments. The first is any valid target. The second is a valid PHP expression which will trigger the break in execution, if evaluated as true in a boolean context at the specified target. Note that breakpoints can also be disabled and re-enabled by the **set break** command. **Examples** $P break test.php:100 $P b test.php:100 Break execution at line 100 of test.php $P break 200 $P b 200 Break execution at line 200 of the currently PHP script file $P break \\mynamespace\\my_function $P b \\mynamespace\\my_function Break execution on entry to \\mynamespace\\my_function $P break classX::method $P b classX::method Break execution on entry to classX::method $P break 0x7ff68f570e08 $P b 0x7ff68f570e08 Break at the opline at the address 0x7ff68f570e08 $P break my_function#14 $P b my_function#14 Break at the opline #14 of the function my_function $P break \\my\\class::method#2 $P b \\my\\class::method#2 Break at the opline #2 of the method \\my\\class::method $P break test.php:#3 $P b test.php:#3 Break at opline #3 in test.php $P break if $cnt > 10 $P b if $cnt > 10 Break when the condition ($cnt > 10) evaluates to true $P break at phpdbg::isGreat if $opt == 'S' $P break @ phpdbg::isGreat if $opt == 'S' Break at any opcode in phpdbg::isGreat when the condition ($opt == 'S') is true $P break at test.php:20 if !isset($x) Break at every opcode on line 20 of test.php when the condition evaluates to true $P break ZEND_ADD $P b ZEND_ADD Break on any occurrence of the opcode ZEND_ADD $P break del 2 $P b ~ 2 Remove breakpoint 2 Note: Conditional breaks are costly in terms of runtime overhead. Use them only when required as they significantly slow execution. Note: An address is only valid for the current compilation.Classes, constants or functions can only be declared once in PHP. You may experience errors during a debug session if you attempt to recompile a PHP source. The clean command clears the Zend runtime tables which holds the sets of compiled classes, constants and functions, releasing any associated storage back into the storage pool. This enables recompilation to take place. Note that you cannot selectively trim any of these resource pools. You can only do a complete clean.Clearing breakpoints means you can once again run code without interruption. Note: use break delete N to clear a specific breakpoint. Note: if all breakpoints are cleared, then the PHP script will run until normal completion.The **ev** command takes a string expression which it evaluates and then displays. It evaluates in the context of the lowest (that is the executing) frame, unless this has first been explicitly changed by issuing a **frame** command. **Examples** $P ev $variable Will print_r($variable) on the console, if it is defined $P ev $variable = "Hello phpdbg :)" Will set $variable in the current scope Note that **ev** allows any valid PHP expression including assignments, function calls and other write statements. This enables you to change the environment during execution, so care is needed here. You can even call PHP functions which have breakpoints defined. Note: **ev** will always show the result, so do not prefix the code with **return**The **exec** command sets the execution context, that is the script to be executed. The execution context must be defined either by executing the **exec** command or by using the **-e** command line option. Note that the **exec** command also can be used to replace a previously defined execution context. **Examples** $P exec /tmp/script.php $P e /tmp/script.php Set the execution context to **/tmp/script.php**The **stdin** command takes a string serving as delimiter. It will then read all the input from stdin until encountering the given delimiter on a standalone line. It can also be passed at startup using the **-s=** command line option (the delimiter then is optional if **-rr** is also passed - in that case it will just read until EOF). This input will be then compiled as PHP code and set as execution context. **Example** $P stdin foo **colors** **C** set colors [] **oplog** **O** set oplog [output] **break** **b** set break **id** **breaks** **B** set breaks [] **quiet** **q** set quiet [] **stepping** **s** set stepping [] **refcount** **r** set refcount [] Valid colors are **none**, **white**, **red**, **green**, **yellow**, **blue**, **purple**, **cyan** and **black**. All colours except **none** can be followed by an optional **-bold** or **-underline** qualifier. Color elements can be one of **prompt**, **notice**, or **error**. **Examples** $P S C on Set colors on $P set p > $P set color prompt white-bold Set the prompt to a bold > $P S c error red-bold Use red bold for errors $P S refcount on Enable refcount display when hitting watchpoints $P S b 4 off Temporarily disable breakpoint 4. This can be subsequently reenabled by a **s b 4 on**. Direct access to shell commands saves having to switch windows/consoles **Examples** $P sh ls /usr/src/php-src Will execute ls /usr/src/php-src, displaying the output in the consoleSourcing a **phpdbginit** script during your debugging session might save some time. **Examples** $P source /my/init $P < /my/init Will execute the phpdbginit file at /my/init Exporting breakpoints allows you to share, and or save your current debugging session **Examples** $P export /my/exports $P > /my/exports Will export all breakpoints to /my/exports Execute opcodes until next line **Examples** $P s Will continue and break again in the next encountered line The **next** command causes control to be passed back to the vm, continuing execution. Any breakpoints that are encountered before the next source line will be skipped. Execution willbe stopped when that line is left. Note when **step**ping is enabled, any opcode steps within the current line are also skipped. Note that if the next line is **not** executed then **all** subsequent breakpoints will be skipped. Note **next** will trigger a "not executing" error if not executing.The **until** command causes control to be passed back to the vm, continuing execution. Any breakpoints that are encountered before the next source line will be skipped. Execution will then continue until the next breakpoint or completion of the script Note when **step**ping is enabled, any opcode steps within the current line are also skipped. Note that if the next line is **not** executed then **all** subsequent breakpoints will be skipped. Note **until** will trigger a "not executing" error if not executing.Sets watchpoints on variables as long as they are defined Passing no parameter to **watch**, lists all actually active watchpoints **Format for $variable** **$var** Variable $var **$var[]** All array elements of $var **$var->** All properties of $var **$var->a** Property $var->a **$var[b]** Array element with key b in array $var Subcommands of **watch**: **Type** **Alias** **Purpose** **array** **a** Sets watchpoint on array/object to observe if an entry is added or removed **recursive** **r** Watches variable recursively and automatically adds watchpoints if some entry is added to an array/object **delete** **d** Removes watchpoint Note when **recursive** watchpoints are removed, watchpoints on all the children are removed too **Examples** $P watch List currently active watchpoints $P watch $array $P w $array Set watchpoint on $array $P watch recursive $obj-> $P w r $obj-> Set recursive watchpoint on $obj-> $P watch delete $obj->a $P w d $obj->a Remove watchpoint $obj->a Technical note: If using this feature with a debugger, you will get many segmentation faults, each time when a memory page containing a watched address is hit. You then you can continue, phpdbg will remove the write protection, so that the program can continue. If phpdbg could not handle that segfault, the same segfault is triggered again and this time phpdbg will abort.lineslclasssmethodmfuncs9223372036854775808lists the specified lineslists the specified classlists the specified methodlists the specified function$enderror"eval""run""shell""input"$acceptinputcommandreq_id !9223372036854775808$undefined"if (condition)""truthy (true, on, yes or enabled)""falsy (false, off, no or disabled)""string (some input, perhaps)"": (colon)"":: (double colon)""# (pound sign followed by digits)""# (pound sign)""protocol (file://)""digits (numbers)""literal (string)""address""opcode""identifier (command or function name)""input (input string or data)""request id (-r %d)"parametersparameterfull_expression        #($)"&!%*+,-'         execoplineclasssmethodmfuncsstack9223372036854775808print out the instructions in the main execution contextprint out the instruction in the current oplineprint out the instructions in the specified classprint out the instructions in the specified methodprint out the instructions in the specified functionprint out the instructions in the current stack92233720368547758089223372036854775808CRLF LF CR 922337203685477580892233720368547758089223372036854775808nonewhiteredgreenyellowbluepurplecyanblackprompterrornotice9223372036854775808white-boldwhite-underlinered-boldred-underlinegreen-boldgreen-underlineyellow-boldyellow-underlineblue-boldblue-underlinepurple-boldpurple-underlinecyan-boldcyan-underlineblack-boldblack-underline9223372036854775808breakfilesclassesfuncserrorvarsglobalsliteralmemory9223372036854775808show breakpointsshow included filesshow loaded classesshow loaded classesshow last errorconstantsshow user defined constantsshow active variablesshow superglobalsshow active literal constantsshow memory manager stats92233720368547758082@@@@@@ arraysdeletess9223372036854775808create watchpoint on an arraydelete watchpointrecursivecreate recursive watchpoints9223372036854775808prompt|s|bcolorsscolors|boplog|sbreakl|bbreaks|bquiet|b|s|blines|l9223372036854775808usage: set prompt []paginationusage: set pagination []usage: set color usage: set colors []usage: set oplog []usage: set break id []usage: set breaks []usage: set quiet []steppingusage: set stepping []refcountusage: set refcount []usage: set lines []at*cdeln9223372036854775808specify breakpoint by location and conditiondelete breakpoint by identifier number9223372036854775808p x  H  0`  ( 0h  ` h p x  ( P p        0 @ h     h p x   0;0( 0;64 1;64 4;640 0;31 1;31 4;318 0;32 1;32 4;32@ 0;33 1;33 4;33H 0;34 1;340 4;34P 0;35@ 1;35P 4;35X 0;36h 1;36x 4;36` 0;30 1;30 4;308cp d n z qؘ v b i I O0 r e@ E` sx S l a x p h V - ( ,@XH X!  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