PMDF V6.5 Release Notes February 2010 This is a document containing a list of new fea- tures and bug fixes that have been made since PMDF V6.4. Software Version: PMDF V6.5 Operating System and Version: Solaris SPARC or In- tel V2.6, V8 or later; (SunOS V5.6, V5.8 or later); Tru64 UNIX V4.0D or later; Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 update 4 or later on x86 (or other com- patible Linux dis- tribution); OpenVMS Alpha or VAX V6.1 or later; OpenVMS I64 V8.2 or later; Win- dows 2000; Windows 2003 ii __________ Copyright ©2010 Process Software, LLC. Unpublished - all rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval sys- tem, or translated into any language or computer language, in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, or oth- erwise without the prior written permission of: Process Software, LLC 959 Concord Street Framingham, MA 01701-4682 USA Voice: +1 508 879 6994; FAX: +1 508 879 0042 Process Software, LLC ("Process") makes no rep- resentations or warranties with respect to the con- tents hereof and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Furthermore, Process Software reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes from time to time in the content hereof without obligation of Process Software to notify any person of such revision or changes. Use of PMDF, PMDF-DIRSYNC, PMDF-FAX, PMDF-LAN, PMDF-MR, PMDF-MSGSTORE, PMDF-MTA, PMDF-TLS, PMDF- X400, PMDF-X500, PMDF-XGP, and/or PMDF-XGS soft- ware and associated documentation is authorized only by a Software License Agreement. Such license agree- ments specify the number of systems on which the software is authorized for use, and, among other things, specifically prohibit use or duplication of software or documentation, in whole or in part, except as authorized by the Software License Agree- ment. Restricted Rights Legend Use, duplication, or disclosure by the government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 or as set forth in the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights clause at FAR 52.227-19. The PMDF mark and AlphaMate is a registered all PMDF-based trademark of Motorola, Inc. trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries and are used under license. ALL-IN-1, Alpha AXP, cc:Mail is a trademark of AXP, Bookreader, cc:Mail, Inc., a wholly- DEC, DECnet, HP, owned subsidiary of Lotus I64, IA64, Integrity, Development Corporation. MAILbus, MailWorks, Lotus Notes is a registered Message Router, trademark of Lotus MicroVAX, OpenVMS, Development Corporation. Pathworks, PSI, RMS, TeamLinks, TOPS-20, Tru64, TruCluster, ULTRIX, VAX, VAX Notes, VMScluster, VMS, and WPS-PLUS are registered trademarks of Hewlett- Packard Company. iv AS/400, CICS, IBM, RC2 and RC4 are registered Office Vision, trademarks of RSA Data OS/2, PROFS, and Security, Inc. VTAM are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. CMS, DISOSS, OfficeVision/VM, OfficeVision/400, OV/VM, and TSO are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. dexNET is a registered Ethernet is a registered trademark of Fujitsu trademark of Xerox Imaging Systems of Corporation. America, Inc. FaxBox is a registered GIF and "Graphics Interchange trademark of DCE Format" are trademarks of Communications Group CompuServe, Incorporated. Limited. InterConnections InterDrive is a registered is a trademark of trademark of FTP Software, InterConnections, Inc. Inc. LANmanager and Memo is a trade mark of Microsoft are Verimation ApS. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. MHS, Netware, and LaserJet and PCL are Novell are registered registered trademarks of trademarks of Novell, Hewlett-Packard Company. Inc. v PGP and Pretty Good Jnet is a registered Privacy are registered trademark of Wingra, Inc. trademarks of Pretty Good Privacy, Inc. Attachmate is a Pine and Pico are trademarks registered trademark of the University of and PathWay is a Washington, used by trademark of Attachmate permission. Corporation. PostScript is a Solaris, Sun, and SunOS registered trademark are trademarks of Sun of Adobe Systems Microsystems, Inc. Incorporated. SPARC is a trademark TCPware and MultiNet are of SPARC International, registered trademarks of Inc. Process Software. UNIX is a registered TIFF is a trademark of Aldus trademark of UNIX Corporation. System Laboratories, Inc. Gold-Mail is a Copyright (c) 1990-2000 trademark of Data Sleepycat Software. All Processing Design, rights reserved. Inc. Copyright (c) 1990, Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 1993, 1994, 1995 The President and Fellows The Regents of of Harvard University. All the University of rights reserved. California. All rights reserved. vi _______________________________________________________ Contents _______________________________________________________ CHAPTER 1 INSTALLATION OF PMDF V6.5 1-1 1.1 LICENSE DATE 1-1 1.2 GETTING HELP 1-1 1.3 RELEASE NOTES LOCATION 1-2 1.4 OBTAINING NEW FILES 1-2 _______________________________________________________ CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION GOTCHAS 2-1 2.1 DATABASES MUST BE REBUILT OR CONVERTED [UNIX AND WINDOWS] 2-1 2.2 QM RELEASE COMMAND BEHAVIOR CHANGE 2-2 2.3 LINUX VERSION SUPPORTED 2-2 2.4 COMPILED CONFIGURATIONS MUST BE RECOMPILED 2-2 2.5 KNOWN ISSUES 2-3 _______________________________________________________ CHAPTER 3 NEW FEATURES 3-1 3.1 BERKELEY DB HAS BEEN REPLACED BY PBL [UNIX AND WINDOWS] 3-1 3.2 UPDATED LEGACY IMAP AND POP SERVERS [UNIX AND OPENVMS] 3-1 3.3 VACATION NOTICE FORMAT SIMPLIFIED 3-2 _______________________________________________________ CHAPTER 4 RELEASE NOTES 4-1 4.1 CHANNELS 4-1 4.2 DELIVER (OPENVMS ONLY) 4-2 4.3 DISPATCHER AND SERVERS 4-3 4.4 DNS VERIFY 4-4 iii Contents 4.5 JOB CONTROLLER (UNIX AND WINDOWS ONLY) 4-4 4.6 MISCELLANEOUS 4-4 4.7 POPSTORE / MESSAGESTORE 4-5 4.8 POST AND RETURN JOBS 4-7 4.9 UTILITIES 4-7 iv _______________________________________________________ 1 Installation of PMDF V6.5 This document contains installation gotchas and release notes for upgrading to PMDF V6.5 from V6.4. If you are upgrading from an earlier version of PMDF, please read the installation gotchas and release notes for all of the versions between your version and V6.5. Those release notes are available on the Process Software web site. __________________________________________________________________ 1.1 License Date The release date for the PMDF V6.5 kit is: 12-FEB-2010 Check your PMDF licenses to make sure they are valid for this release. The release date contained in each license must be later than the release date of the kit. See the PMDF Installation Guide for your platform for more information about how PMDF licenses work. __________________________________________________________________ 1.2 Getting Help Contact your PMDF distributor or Process Soft- ware if you need assistance or have questions con- cerning the installation or configuration of PMDF. Process Software provides technical support if you have a current Maintenance Service Agreement [; 800-394-8700 or 508-628-5074]. If you obtained PMDF from an authorized distrib- utor or partner, you receive your technical sup- port directly from them. Timely notices, point- ers to new PMDF images, and other PMDF news of in- 1-1 Installation of PMDF V6.5 Getting Help terest may also be found at the Process Software web site, __________________________________________________________________ 1.3 Release Notes Location The text version of these release notes is in- stalled on VMS in the SYS$HELP directory, and on UNIX and Windows in the PMDF documentation direc- tory. The postscript and PDF versions on all plat- forms are installed into the PMDF documentation di- rectory ( PMDF_ROOT:[DOC] on VMS, /pmdf/doc on UNIX, and C:\pmdf\doc on Windows). __________________________________________________________________ 1.4 Obtaining new files New files may be obtained from the anonymous FTP account on; use FTP to con- nect to the host and login as the user anonymous. Use your e-mail address as the login password. Move to the pmdf_65_patches subdirectory: ftp> cd pmdf_65_patches Patches will be located in platform-specific sub- trees, as follows: _______________________________________________ Platform_______Subdirectory____________________ Linux linux OpenVMS vms Solaris/SPARC solaris-sparc Solaris/x86 solaris-x86 Tru64 osf Windows________windows_________________________ 1-2 _______________________________________________________ 2 Installation Gotchas Make sure you read the PMDF Installation Guide for your platform before starting the installation. Make sure you complete the Post-Installation Tasks for Upgrades or Post-Installation Tasks for New Sites in the installation guide after the installation. __________________________________________________________________ 2.1 Databases Must Be Rebuilt or Converted [Unix and Windows] In this release of PMDF, Berkeley DB (formerly known as SleepyCat) has been replaced by PBL. CRITICAL: All Berkeley DB (SleepyCat) databases on Unix and Windows platforms must be rebuilt or converted after the upgrade to PMDF V6.5. Be sure to read the V6.5 installation guide for your platform and follow the pre-installation and post-installation steps. Make special note of the fact that the utility upgrade_all_dbs will convert your databases in the PMDF tree, but will not up- grade databases outside of the PMDF tree, such as individual user's personal alias databases which are usually located in their home directories. 2-1 Installation Gotchas QM RELEASE Command Behavior Change __________________________________________________________________ 2.2 QM RELEASE Command Behavior Change Note that the QM utility's release command's be- havior has changed. In previous versions, it would "release" any message listed by QM, even though the documentation for the release command has always been that it will only release HELD messages. The implementation of the release command has been changed to match the documentation. Start- ing with this release, it will only operate on HELD messages. If you do a release on a non-held mes- sage, the release command will do nothing. In the past, some customers have used the QM re- lease command as part of a procedure to move mes- sages from one channel to another. Note that from this release forward, the way to perform this task is to mark the message HELD in its current chan- nel, then move the .HELD message file to the new channel's queue directory, then release this HELD message from its new channel. __________________________________________________________________ 2.3 Linux Version Supported For the Linux platform, the version supported by PMDF V6.5 is Linux core version 2.6.9-89 or later (corresponding to Red Hat 4.8 or later). __________________________________________________________________ 2.4 Compiled Configurations Must Be Recompiled For all platforms, the format of the compiled configuration has changed as of PMDF V6.5. After installation, in order to use a compiled config- uration you must recompile your configuration. Con- figurations that were compiled by versions of PMDF prior to version 6.5 will no longer be recognized by PMDF. 2-2 Installation Gotchas Known Issues __________________________________________________________________ 2.5 Known Issues 1. On some OpenVMS systems running Multinet, when using the PMDF V6.5 legacy IMAP server, we have seen some problems with Multinet getting hung or crashing the system. 2. There is a longstanding problem on Unix plat- forms when using a compiled configuration. The problem occurs when the system manager performs a pmdf cnbuild while PMDF is running. This can cause some or all of PMDF's processes to crash. This is a design flaw in the way that compiled configurations are implemented on Unix. If you are experiencing this problem, Process Software's recommendation is to not use a com- piled configuration. The performance improve- ment with compiled configurations on Unix is not as dramatic as on VMS (since file I/O on Unix is usually much faster). Or, alternatively, if you decide to use a compiled configuration any- way, we recommend that you do not run cnbuild while PMDF is running. 2-3 _______________________________________________________ 3 New Features __________________________________________________________________ 3.1 Berkeley DB Has Been Replaced By PBL [Unix and Windows] Berkeley DB (formerly known as SleepyCat) has been replaced by a new database software: PBL. Note that all databases must be converted to PBL for- mat or rebuilt after the upgrade to PMDF V6.5. __________________________________________________________________ 3.2 Updated Legacy IMAP and POP Servers [Unix and OpenVMS] The legacy IMAP and POP servers have been up- dated to University of Washington version 2007e. PMDF PINE on VMS has also been upgraded to use the 2007e library. New capabilities in the IMAP server include: I18NLEVEL=1 LITERAL+ IDLE UIDPLUS CHILDREN MAILBOX-REFERRALS BINARY UNSELECT ESEARCH WITHIN SORT 3-1 New Features Vacation Notice Format Simplified __________________________________________________________________ 3.3 Vacation Notice Format Simplified The format of vacation notices has been changed to a simple text format, instead of the multipart Delivery Status Notification (DSN) that it used to be. (D/E 8769) 3-2 _______________________________________________________ 4 Release Notes The following sections document the enhancements and bug fixes that have been made since PMDF V6.4. __________________________________________________________________ 4.1 Channels 1. Changed the default value for the channel key- word missingrecipientpolicy and the option MISS- ING_RECIPIENT_POLICY to do nothing to the head- ers (the old default was to place the envelope to: information in a To: header). (D/E 10859) 2. Modified the script channel to pre-allocate the message file to be passed into the customer-supplied command procedure to make the script channel run faster. (D/E 10884) [OpenVMS only] 3. Added a new return code for scripts and command procedures run by the script or conversion chan- nels. The new return code, PMDF__NOCHANGE, tells the script or conversion channel that the user- written script or command procedure made no changes to the mail message (script channel) or message part (conversion channel). In the conversion channel, if ALL parts of the message return NOCHANGE, then the message will be passed on to the next channel unchanged (i.e., the part headers and boundaries will no longer be changed, and the message parts will no longer be decoded and re-encoded). If some message parts return NOCHANGE and some parts do not, then the 4-1 Release Notes Channels message is processed by the conversion channel as normal. In the script channel, if the user script or com- mand procedure returns NOCHANGE for a given mes- sage, then the message will be passed on to the next channel unchanged. The disclaimer channel has been modified such that if no changes were made to the message (no disclaimer notice added in either the body or header of the message), then it will be passed on to the next channel unchanged (i.e. the part headers and boundaries will no longer be changed). (D/E 10885) __________________________________________________________________ 4.2 DELIVER (OpenVMS only) 1. Added a new keyword RESET to the 1/2/3 action codes to reset the corresponding column string to the original value. This is used as follows, for example to reset column 1: * * * A 1 RESET (D/E 7201) 2. Default behavior for MAIL.DELIVERY errors (such as an empty file, or a syntax error) is to re- ject all messages being sent to the user. Sup- port for a new logical name has been added to tell the 'l' channel on VMS to ignore any er- rors and proceed with delivery to the user's VMS MAIL INBOX as if the MAIL.DELIVERY file did not exist. The logical name is PMDF_IGNORE_MAIL_ DELIVERY_ERRORS, which should be defined /SYS/EXEC. (D/E 10856) 4-2 Release Notes DELIVER (OpenVMS only) 3. Added two new accept item codes to MAIL.DELIVERY: P applies the directive if any (as opposed to all) of the patterns match, and S applies the directive if any of the patterns match and no previous directive has been applied. (D/E 10856) __________________________________________________________________ 4.3 Dispatcher and Servers 1. Fixed a problem whereby multiple server process creation failures could result in the PMDF_LNM_ TABLE logical name table exceeding quota. (D/E 10897) [OpenVMS only] 2. Added a new option for SMTP servers, ALLOW_REJECTIONS_ BEFORE_DEFERRAL, which can be placed in the channel- specific option file in the table directory (for example, pmdf_table:tcp_local_option). This op- tion counts the number of invalid RCPT TO com- mands in an SMTP connection, and when the spec- ified number is reached, all subsequent RCPT TO and VRFY commands (both valid and invalid com- mands) are rejected with a 4xx error. (D/E 9358) 3. Added the ability to configure the SMTP server in how to handle messages that contain lines longer than the RFC allows. A new option has been added for TCP channels, LONG_LINE_MODE, to control this behavior. This option would be added to the channel- specific option file in the table directory, for example pmdf_table:tcp_local_option. The de- fault is the old behavior to truncate long lines. If this option is specified with a value of 1, PMDF rejects messages with such long lines. If this option is specified with a value of 2, long lines are wrapped. (D/E 10798, 10799) 4-3 Release Notes Dispatcher and Servers 4. Modified the legacy IMAP server on OpenVMS to fill in the To: and Cc: fields as seen by VMS MAIL whenever messages are moved by the IMAP client, or a message is sent by the IMAP client and a copy is placed in the Sent folder. (D/E 10769) [OpenVMS only] 5. Fixed a problem on Windows with the IMAP server crashing when executing a STATUS IMAP command. (D/E 10985) [Windows only] __________________________________________________________________ 4.4 DNS Verify 1. Modified DNS_VERIFY and mailfromdnsverify to look for MX records as well as A records. (D/E 7903) __________________________________________________________________ 4.5 Job Controller (Unix and Windows only) 1. Fixed a problem with messages sometimes not get- ting added to the job controller's in-memory queue cache database (causing those messages to not get processed) if the 'owner' value was too long. (D/E 10934) __________________________________________________________________ 4.6 Miscellaneous 1. Fixed a problem where if the postmaster address is invalid, it would create an infinite loop of non-delivery notices being sent to the postmas- ter. The new behavior is to attempt to deliver to postmaster, and when it fails simply add an R record to mail.log_current. (D/E 9200) 2. The VMS installation now verifies that UICs spec- ified for the PMDF and PMDF_USER accounts are not in use. (D/E 10248) [OpenVMS only] 4-4 Release Notes Miscellaneous 3. Updated pmdf_table:internet.rules to include all the latest top level domains defined by IANA.ORG. (D/E 10772) 4. Fixed problems with "getsvc" messages getting printed. Changed tag to "init_svc:info:" as that is the actual routine and they are just infor- mational. Added support for more keywords in the /etc/nsswitch.conf (Solaris) and /etc/svc.conf (Tru64) files. Improved handling of unknown key- words and too many sources. (D/E 10816) [Unix only] 5. Fixed a problem with various PMDF commands (for example pmdf send) getting the following error: "Internal label table has overflowed processing xxxx" (D/E 10830) 6. Added PNG file type to pmdf_table:name_content.dat. (D/E 10911) __________________________________________________________________ 4.7 popstore / MessageStore 1. Modified the pmdf msgstore and pmdf popstore com- mand interfaces (and the web interface) to ex- plicitly check for values greater than an un- signed 32-bit integer can hold. In this case, it explicitly sets it to 0 (unlimited quota) and prints out an informational message to that ef- fect. 2. Fixed a problem when delivering a single mes- sage to multiple recipients which could cause mailbox corruption or inability to deliver to some recipients. (D/E 10145) 4-5 Release Notes popstore / MessageStore 3. Fixed a problem with PMDF not deleting cluster- wide locks used for locking various files, used especially by MessageStore. The problem man- ifested particularly as a consumption of enqueue quota, and locks of the form PMDF_FLK_xxxx left behind by the MessageStore IMAP server. (D/E 10378) [VMS only] 4. Fixed a problem with msgstore declaring messages or mailboxes corrupt when it receives a message with a certain kind of MIME boundaries. (D/E 10770) 5. Fixed a problem with MessageStore files getting locked incorrectly, causing IMAP and POP access to the mailbox, as well as delivery to the mail- box, to get hung. (D/E 10805) [VMS only] 6. Added a new qualifier/option to the pmdf msg- store and pmdf popstore command line utility: /NOPROMPT on VMS, and -noprompt on Unix. Spec- ifying this option causes there to be no con- firmation prompting at all. For example, if a command such as modify is used with a wildcard to operate on multiple accounts, even with the noconfirm qualifier/option, it would prompt once for all accounts. Specifying noprompt avoids even this single prompt. 7. Made a change to the MessageStore IMAP server to allow msgstore users whose accounts are over quota to be able to delete messages using an IMAP client that deletes messages by moving them to a Trash folder. This was previously a problem because moving messages to a different folder requires extra quota. The Trash folder is now allowed to go above quota in order to be able to delete messages. Note that in order to ac- tually go below quota and start receiving new messages again, the user will have to empty the trash and possibly also restart the IMAP client. (D/E 10874) 4-6 Release Notes popstore / MessageStore 8. Fixed a problem on VMS with the MessageStore IMAP server not maintaining account quotas correctly as messages are deleted or moved from one folder to another. (D/E 10882) [VMS only] 9. Fixed a cosmetic issue with the pmdf msgstore reconstruct command. When run with the recurse option, it would put out a spurious message about updating quotas if there were any public fold- ers. (D/E 10898) __________________________________________________________________ 4.8 Post and Return Jobs 1. The return and post jobs have been modified as to how they prevent two jobs from running at the same time. The return and post executables now use a lock file. (D/E 8357, 9924) [Unix only] 2. Fixed a problem on Linux where the return job would report a shell script syntax error when attempting to detect spool directories. (D/E 10871) [linux only] __________________________________________________________________ 4.9 Utilities 1. qm.maint utility: a. Fixed the operation of the release command to act as documented and only release messages that are HELD and not regular messages. (D/E 9773) b. Fixed the display of several commands to re- move entries that are not real channel names or message files. (D/E 10445, 10730) [Unix only] 4-7 Release Notes Utilities 2. pmdf send utility: a. Modified the filename qualifier/option to ac- cept an optional string to use as a substi- tute file name. Also modified callable send to accept a string value for the PMDF_CONTENT_ FILENAME item. (D/E 9833) b. Added a new qualifier/option: -multipart on Unix, and /MULTIPART on VMS. This option causes pmdf send to format the message it sends as a multipart MIME message. (D/E 10796) 3. pmdf find utility: a. Fixed a problem on Linux with this command get- ting a glibc error after doing its work. (D/E 10875) [linux only] 4. pmdf purge utility: a. Fixed a problem on Linux getting a glibc er- ror when running this utility in two differ- ent processes at once (such as by (D/E 10956) [Linux only] 5. pmdf db utility: a. Fixed a problem with pmdf db hanging when re- moving multiple entries using a wildcard. (D/E 10529) 4-8