PMDF V6.6 Release Notes February 2012 This is a document containing a list of new fea- tures and bug fixes that have been made since PMDF V6.5. Software Version: PMDF V6.6 Operating System and Version: Solaris SPARC or In- tel V2.6, V8 or later; (SunOS V5.6, V5.8 or later); Tru64 UNIX V4.0D or later; Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 update 4 or later on x86 (or other com- patible Linux dis- tribution); OpenVMS VAX V6.1 or later; OpenVMS Alpha V7.0 or later; OpenVMS I64 V8.2 or later; Win- dows 2003 ii __________ Copyright ©2012 Process Software, LLC. Unpublished - all rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval sys- tem, or translated into any language or computer language, in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, or oth- erwise without the prior written permission of: Process Software, LLC 959 Concord Street Framingham, MA 01701-4682 USA Voice: +1 508 879 6994; FAX: +1 508 879 0042 Process Software, LLC ("Process") makes no rep- resentations or warranties with respect to the con- tents hereof and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Furthermore, Process Software reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes from time to time in the content hereof without obligation of Process Software to notify any person of such revision or changes. Use of PMDF, PMDF-DIRSYNC, PMDF-FAX, PMDF-LAN, PMDF-MR, PMDF-MSGSTORE, PMDF-MTA, PMDF-TLS, PMDF- X400, PMDF-X500, PMDF-XGP, and/or PMDF-XGS soft- ware and associated documentation is authorized only by a Software License Agreement. Such license agree- ments specify the number of systems on which the software is authorized for use, and, among other things, specifically prohibit use or duplication of software or documentation, in whole or in part, except as authorized by the Software License Agree- ment. Restricted Rights Legend Use, duplication, or disclosure by the government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 or as set forth in the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights clause at FAR 52.227-19. The PMDF mark and AlphaMate is a registered all PMDF-based trademark of Motorola, Inc. trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries and are used under license. ALL-IN-1, Alpha AXP, cc:Mail is a trademark of AXP, Bookreader, cc:Mail, Inc., a wholly- DEC, DECnet, HP, owned subsidiary of Lotus I64, IA64, Integrity, Development Corporation. MAILbus, MailWorks, Lotus Notes is a registered Message Router, trademark of Lotus MicroVAX, OpenVMS, Development Corporation. Pathworks, PSI, RMS, TeamLinks, TOPS-20, Tru64, TruCluster, ULTRIX, VAX, VAX Notes, VMScluster, VMS, and WPS-PLUS are registered trademarks of Hewlett- Packard Company. iv AS/400, CICS, IBM, RC2 and RC4 are registered Office Vision, trademarks of RSA Data OS/2, PROFS, and Security, Inc. VTAM are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. CMS, DISOSS, OfficeVision/VM, OfficeVision/400, OV/VM, and TSO are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. dexNET is a registered Ethernet is a registered trademark of Fujitsu trademark of Xerox Imaging Systems of Corporation. America, Inc. FaxBox is a registered GIF and "Graphics Interchange trademark of DCE Format" are trademarks of Communications Group CompuServe, Incorporated. Limited. InterConnections InterDrive is a registered is a trademark of trademark of FTP Software, InterConnections, Inc. Inc. LANmanager and Memo is a trade mark of Microsoft are Verimation ApS. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. MHS, Netware, and LaserJet and PCL are Novell are registered registered trademarks of trademarks of Novell, Hewlett-Packard Company. Inc. v PGP and Pretty Good Jnet is a registered Privacy are registered trademark of Wingra, Inc. trademarks of Pretty Good Privacy, Inc. Attachmate is a Pine and Pico are trademarks registered trademark of the University of and PathWay is a Washington, used by trademark of Attachmate permission. Corporation. PostScript is a Solaris, Sun, and SunOS registered trademark are trademarks of Sun of Adobe Systems Microsystems, Inc. Incorporated. SPARC is a trademark TCPware and MultiNet are of SPARC International, registered trademarks of Inc. Process Software. UNIX is a registered TIFF is a trademark of Aldus trademark of UNIX Corporation. System Laboratories, Inc. Gold-Mail is a Copyright (c) 1990-2000 trademark of Data Sleepycat Software. All Processing Design, rights reserved. Inc. libedit/editline is Copyright (c) 1992, 1993, The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. vi _______________________________________________________ Contents _______________________________________________________ CHAPTER 1 INSTALLATION OF PMDF V6.6 1-1 1.1 LICENSE DATE 1-1 1.2 GETTING HELP 1-1 1.3 RELEASE NOTES LOCATION 1-2 1.4 OBTAINING NEW FILES 1-2 _______________________________________________________ CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION GOTCHAS 2-1 2.1 MINIMUM OPERATING SYSTEM VERSIONS 2-1 2.1.1 OpenVMS/Alpha _________________ 2-1 2.1.2 Windows _______________________ 2-1 2.2 COMPILED CONFIGURATIONS MUST BE RECOMPILED 2-2 2.3 KNOWN ISSUES 2-2 _______________________________________________________ CHAPTER 3 NEW FEATURES 3-1 3.1 USE OF P2 MEMORY [OPENVMS ONLY] 3-1 3.2 OUTLOOK CALENDAR MESSAGES 3-2 3.3 MESSAGES WITH LONG LINES 3-3 3.3.1 Messages Generated by Outlook 2010 __________________________ 3-3 3.3.2 VMS MAIL ______________________ 3-4 3.4 MOVEIN UTILITY ENHANCEMENTS 3-4 3.5 PMDF MAIL: FILTER CONTROL CHARACTERS [OPENVMS ONLY] 3-5 3.6 COMMAND RECALL FOR UTILITIES [UNIX ONLY] 3-6 3.7 DELETE ENTRIES FROM DATABASES 3-6 3.8 ENVELOPE SIEVE COMMAND 3-7 iii Contents 3.9 POPPROXY OVER TLS 3-7 _______________________________________________________ CHAPTER 4 RELEASE NOTES 4-1 4.1 SECURITY FIXES 4-1 4.2 API 4-1 4.3 CHANNELS 4-2 4.4 CONFIGURATION 4-3 4.5 DATABASE 4-4 4.6 INSTALLATION 4-4 4.7 MISCELLANEOUS 4-4 4.8 PMDF MAIL (OPENVMS ONLY) 4-5 4.9 POP AND IMAP SERVERS 4-5 4.10 POPSTORE / MESSAGESTORE 4-6 4.11 SASL 4-6 4.12 SMTP 4-7 4.13 TLS 4-7 4.14 UTILITIES 4-7 4.15 UPDATED SOFTWARE 4-9 4.16 THIRD PARTY LICENSES 4-9 iv _______________________________________________________ 1 Installation of PMDF V6.6 This document contains installation gotchas and release notes for upgrading to PMDF V6.6 from V6.5. If you are upgrading from an earlier version of PMDF, please read the installation gotchas and release notes for all of the versions between your version and V6.6. Those release notes are available on the Process Software web site. __________________________________________________________________ 1.1 License Date The release date for the PMDF V6.6 kit is: 17-JAN-2012 Check your PMDF licenses to make sure they are valid for this release. The release date contained in each license must be later than the release date of the kit. See the PMDF Installation Guide for your platform for more information about how PMDF licenses work. __________________________________________________________________ 1.2 Getting Help Contact your PMDF distributor or Process Soft- ware if you need assistance or have questions con- cerning the installation or configuration of PMDF. Process Software provides technical support if you have a current Maintenance Service Agreement [; 800-394-8700 or 508-628-5074]. If you obtained PMDF from an authorized distrib- utor or partner, you receive your technical sup- port directly from them. Timely notices, point- ers to new PMDF images, and other PMDF news of in- 1-1 Installation of PMDF V6.6 Getting Help terest may also be found at the Process Software web site, __________________________________________________________________ 1.3 Release Notes Location The text version of these release notes is in- stalled on VMS in the SYS$HELP directory, and on UNIX and Windows in the PMDF documentation direc- tory. The postscript and PDF versions on all plat- forms are installed into the PMDF documentation di- rectory ( PMDF_ROOT:[DOC] on VMS, /pmdf/doc on UNIX, and C:\pmdf\doc on Windows). __________________________________________________________________ 1.4 Obtaining new files New files may be obtained from the anonymous FTP account on; use FTP to con- nect to the host and login as the user anonymous. Use your e-mail address as the login password. Move to the pmdf_66_patches subdirectory: ftp> cd pmdf_66_patches Patches will be located in platform-specific sub- trees, as follows: _______________________________________________ Platform_______Subdirectory____________________ Linux linux OpenVMS vms Solaris/SPARC solaris-sparc Solaris/x86 solaris-x86 Tru64 osf Windows________windows_________________________ 1-2 _______________________________________________________ 2 Installation Gotchas Make sure you read the PMDF Installation Guide for your platform before starting the installation. Make sure you complete the Post-Installation Tasks for Upgrades or Post-Installation Tasks for New Sites in the installation guide after the installation. __________________________________________________________________ 2.1 Minimum Operating System Versions ___________________________ 2.1.1 OpenVMS/Alpha Starting with this release, the minimum version required for OpenVMS/Alpha systems is V7.0. If you have a version of Alpha VMS earlier than V7.0, you must upgrade to at least VMS V7.0 before you can install PMDF V6.6 or later. The minimum versions for the other VMS hardware platforms remain the same: OpenVMS/I64 V8.2 or Open- VMS/VAX V6.1. ___________________________ 2.1.2 Windows Starting with this release, Windows 2000 is no longer supported by PMDF. The minimum version is now Windows 2003. 2-1 Installation Gotchas Compiled Configurations Must Be Recompiled __________________________________________________________________ 2.2 Compiled Configurations Must Be Recompiled For all platforms, the format of the compiled configuration has changed as of PMDF V6.6. After installation, in order to use a compiled config- uration you must recompile your configuration. Con- figurations that were compiled by versions of PMDF prior to version 6.6 will no longer be recognized by PMDF. __________________________________________________________________ 2.3 Known Issues o There is a longstanding problem on Unix plat- forms when using a compiled configuration. The problem occurs when the system manager performs a pmdf cnbuild while PMDF is running. This can cause some or all of PMDF's processes to crash. This is a design flaw in the way that compiled configurations are implemented on Unix. If you are experiencing this problem, Process Software's recommendation is to not use a com- piled configuration. The performance improve- ment with compiled configurations on Unix is not as dramatic as on VMS (since file I/O on Unix is usually much faster). Or, alternatively, if you decide to use a compiled configuration any- way, we recommend that you do not run cnbuild while PMDF is running. o The installation of PMDF on Windows 2003 does not correctly show the disk space required for each component on the "Select Components" screen. This information should be automatically gen- erated by InstallShield. The disk space required is as follows: o PMDF Base: 21096 K o PMDF Dirsync: 952 K o PMDF Documentation: 40120 K 2-2 Installation Gotchas Known Issues o PMDF LAN channels: 628 K o PMDF XGS channel: 88 K o PMDF TLS: 1524 K 2-3 _______________________________________________________ 3 New Features __________________________________________________________________ 3.1 Use of P2 Memory [OpenVMS only] Note: For OpenVMS/Alpha, version 7.0 is the minimum ver- sion required for the use of P2 space. On OpenVMS/I64 and OpenVMS/Alpha (V7.0 and later), VMS has made available for application use addi- tional 64-bit memory called P2 space. This mem- ory is much larger than the default P0 space. The use of this memory by applications can greatly ex- pand the size of the virtual address space that can be used to store data, such as the text of very large messages. For this release of PMDF, certain memory-intense components have been enhanced to use P2 memory on these hardware platforms. P2 memory is now used to store messages for the MessageStore and popstore IMAP and POP servers, as well as for the movein util- ity when moving messages to or from msgstore/popstore. For VMS MAIL mailboxes, the legacy POP and IMAP servers and the movein utility now use P2 space to store messages internally. However, callable VMS MAIL still uses P0 space to store its messages. Note: PMDF uses callable mail to access VMS MAIL mail- boxes. Callable mail reads the messages into mem- ory that it allocates itself in P0 space. PMDF has no control over this and cannot stop VMS MAIL from doing this. Wherever possible, PMDF uses P2 space to store its own copy of message text, and PMDF does what it can to tell VMS MAIL to free memory that 3-1 New Features Use of P2 Memory [OpenVMS only] stores messages. However, any application is lim- ited in what it can do in this area. __________________________________________________________________ 3.2 Outlook Calendar Messages Messages sent from Outlook with calendar attach- ments were sometimes unreadable by the end user's e-mail client after passing through PMDF. It has been determined that this happens when PMDF has been configured to parse and re-assemble the MIME parts of a message. In this case, PMDF has been adding a content-disposition header to the text/calendar MIME parts, which some email clients cannot han- dle. PMDF can be configured to parse the MIME parts of a message in several ways: o By using the inner or innertrim channel keywords. o By using the CHARSET-CONVERSION mapping table. o By using the undocumented and unsupported thur- man channel keyword. PMDF will also automatically decode and re-encode the message if it contains lines longer than the maximum allowed line length for the destination chan- nel, or if the message contains any 8-bit charac- ters. This release of PMDF has added the ability to suppress the addition of the content-disposition header. By default, when parsing the MIME part headers, if PMDF finds a name parameter in the content-type header, it will automatically add a content-disposition 3-2 New Features Outlook Calendar Messages header with a filename parameter. This is what ap- pears to cause the problems with messages gener- ated by Outlook Calendar, which contain a MIME mes- sage part of type text/calendar which do not have a content-disposition header. The generation of this header by PMDF can now be suppressed by specifying the new SUPPRESS_CONTENT_ DISP option in the pmdf_table:option.dat file. This option takes three values: o 0 = do not suppress (the default) o 1 = always suppress o 2 = only suppress the generation of the content- disposition header for text/calendar message parts. (D/E 10826) __________________________________________________________________ 3.3 Messages With Long Lines ___________________________ 3.3.1 Messages Generated by Outlook 2010 Outlook 2010 formats and sends messages with the following characteristics: o They are multipart messages, in particular con- taining a MIME part of type text/html. o The text/html parts are encoded as QUOTED-PRINTABLE. o Upon decoding the message, there are no line breaks in the message text (HTML code). o This results in very long lines, sometimes many thousands of characters long. 3-3 New Features Messages With Long Lines PMDF has been enhanced to be able to handle these extraordinarily long lines when it decodes the mes- sages, without having to break the lines up into shorter chunks. When delivering these messages or forwarding them on to their next destination, PMDF will re-encode the messages with no changes to the underlying text. Previously, there was a problem with these mes- sages where they would end up with extra line breaks in the middle of HTML code, causing problems for the message's display by the end user's mail client. This has been fixed. (D/E 11104) ___________________________ 3.3.2 VMS MAIL As of OpenVMS V8.4, VMS MAIL supports header and body lines up to 998 characters, increased from 255 characters. This version of PMDF supports these longer lines in all of its interactions with VMS MAIL, including when it delivers messages to VMS MAIL mailboxes via the 'l' channel, and when it re- ceives messages from VMS MAIL to be sent out through PMDF. (D/E 10962) __________________________________________________________________ 3.4 Movein Utility Enhancements Added the following features to the movein util- ity: the ability to move messages from one account to another within the same store type (for exam- ple, from one popstore account to another); and the ability to move messages from a msgstore account to another account, for example another msgstore account. To move messages from a msgstore account to an- other account, specify the keyword msgstore on the -source option (/SOURCE qualifier on OpenVMS) 3-4 New Features Movein Utility Enhancements To move messages from one account to another within the same store type, you must specify the -dstusername option (/DSTUSERNAME qualifier on OpenVMS) to spec- ify the username to use for the destination account (by default the source username is used). To spec- ify destination username in an input file, spec- ify the destination username as the third item on the line. These changes allow you to effectively perform a "rename" operation on a msgstore account, by cre- ating a new account in the new name, using movein to copy all of the messages over from the old ac- count, and then deleting the old account. See the MessageStore & Popstore Manager's Guide for more information. (D/E 9218) __________________________________________________________________ 3.5 PMDF MAIL: Filter Control Characters [OpenVMS Only] PMDF MAIL can now optionally filter out 7-bit and 8-bit control characters when it displays mes- sages, to prevent these characters from locking up terminals. This functionality is turned on by spec- ifying the /FILTER_CTRL qualifier either on the PMDF MAIL command or on each individual command: READ, CURRENT, BACK, NEXT, FIRST, or LAST. Note that if you have read a message with /FIL- TER_CTRL, the filtered version will be used on the following commands: FORWARD, RESEND, REPLY (with /EXTRACT), EXTRACT, and PRINT. If you want to use the original version instead, you must issue a CUR- RENT/NOFILTER_CTRL command to re-read the current message without filtering before issuing the next command. 3-5 New Features Command Recall for Utilities [Unix only] __________________________________________________________________ 3.6 Command Recall for Utilities [Unix only] For PMDF utilities on Unix platforms, the libedit (a.k.a. editline) library is now used, which al- lows for command line recall and editing. The util- ities affected are: pmdf qm, pmdf db, pmdf pop- store, and pmdf msgstore. By default, the standard "vi" key bindings are defined. You can change various elements of the editing environment, such as using "emacs" key bind- ings instead of "vi", by creating in your home di- rectory a file called .editrc. See the editrc man- page for more information. (D/E 7809) __________________________________________________________________ 3.7 Delete Entries From Databases The pmdf crdb utility has a new option to be able to delete individual entries from databases: -delete on Unix or Windows, and /DELETE on OpenVMS. Sim- ilar to the way that -append or /APPEND can be used to add new entries or modify existing entries, - delete or /DELETE can be used to delete entries. The syntax is as follows (for example on unix): pmdf crdb -delete input-file database-file The input file should contain one key value per line for the entries to delete. The data portion of the line is ignored, if specified. The other options such as -quoted, -strip_colons, and -long_ records are supported with -delete. Note that if the database was created with -duplicates, if there are multiple entries with the same key value, only the first entry is deleted. 3-6 New Features Envelope SIEVE Command __________________________________________________________________ 3.8 Envelope SIEVE Command The SIEVE envelope test will now work in all mail- box filter files. Previously, it was available only for filter files attached to individual users' mail- boxes. Envelope information is now available for the global filter file, pmdf_table:pmdf.filter, and for channel-level filter files as well. (D/E 11157) An enhancement has been made to the redirect SIEVE command to take advantage of the availability of this envelope information. In filter files at any level, its value can contain any of the substitu- tion strings listed in the PMDF System Manager's Guide, chapter 16, table 16-2 (for example, $U, $D) to extract parts of the envelope-to address. For example, the following command can be used to to modify the envelope-to address to add a "spam" subaddress: redirect "$u+spam@$d"; This subaddress can be used to file a message into a folder automatically, such as the SPAM folder. See the System Manager's Guide for more informa- tion. (D/E 11157) __________________________________________________________________ 3.9 POPPROXY Over TLS This release has added support to the POPPROXY authentication source in the pmdf_table:security.cnf file for using TLS, and for specifying more than one server. To use TLS, add TLS_MODE=1 to the [AUTH_SOURCE=POPPROXY] section. To use multiple servers, specify up to three comma-separated server:port pairs on the SERVER option in the [AUTH_SOURCE=POPPROXY] section. It 3-7 New Features POPPROXY Over TLS will use port 995 as the default if no port is spec- ified with the server name(s). Note that the port specified must be a dedicated TLS port. POPPROXY will not issue an STLS command to the standard POP port. (D/E 10904) Example: [AUTH_SOURCE=POPPROXY], TLS_MODE=1 3-8 _______________________________________________________ 4 Release Notes The following sections document the enhancements and bug fixes that have been made since PMDF V6.5. __________________________________________________________________ 4.1 Security Fixes 1. Closed a security hole in SASL logins to VMS SYSUAF accounts that are marked CAPTIVE and have no pass- word. Logins to such accounts are now disal- lowed. [OpenVMS only] (D/E 10294) 2. Fixed a security vulnerability which was found in SMTP as well as both sets of POP and IMAP servers when TLS is used. (D/E 11113) Note: It is highly recommended that all customers in- stall this fix. __________________________________________________________________ 4.2 API 1. Added eol parameters to the output callback rou- tines of the PMDF API routines PMDF_decode_message and PMDFdecodeMessage. This parameter indicates if end-of-line has been reached. See the PMDF Programmer's Reference Manual for full infor- mation. (D/E 11104) 4-1 Release Notes Channels __________________________________________________________________ 4.3 Channels 1. Fixed a problem with the SMTP client (tcp_smtp_ client) where the exited threads would remain, sometimes showing up as "zombies", and their re- sources would not be released (for example, con- nections to the job controller). This has been fixed so that the threads will fully exit. [Unix only] (D/E 11202) 2. Fixed a problem with the defragment channel where messages could get stuck in the channel with- out being processed. [Unix only] (D/E 11092) 3. Fixed a problem with the implementation of the PMDF__NOCHANGE return code for the conversion channel. Now message parts that do not have a script or command procedure run for them are con- sidered to have PMDF__NOCHANGE turned on by de- fault. (D/E 11028) 4. Modified the local delivery "l" channel on VMS to return the message immediately if it gets an ACCVIO error returned from VMS MAIL when try- ing to deliver the message. [OpenVMS only] (D/E 10879) 5. Added option MAX_INLINE_DIR_LEVELS (default 10) to prevent infinite loops of inline directory channel lookups. Once the maximum is reached, the message will be enqueued to the directory channel itself for further processing. (D/E 9761) 6. Fixed a problem with inline directory channel lookups failing from non-privileged accounts if the directory channel option file in the table directory is not world-readable. [OpenVMS only] (D/E 9680) 4-2 Release Notes Channels 7. Modified the directory channel to add an "R" record to the mail.log_current file if a lookup has failed. Previously, there was no indication in the mail.log file of a failure: a "D" record was added the same as for succsses. (D/E 11203) __________________________________________________________________ 4.4 Configuration 1. Fixed a problem with the parsing of ranges spec- ified in mapping table entries. (D/E 11034) 2. Modified the behavior of the channel keyword ad- drsperfile. If it is specified on an SMTP chan- nel, it will now override the default value of 127. The maximum value is 2 gigabytes. This does not affect non-SMTP channels, for which the maximum value is and has always been 2 gigabytes. (D/E 10598) 3. Documented the channel keyword addlineaddrs. This keyword modifies the behavior of mail sent through PMDF using VMS MAIL. By default, messages sent from VMS MAIL through PMDF will only show those addresses that were processed by PMDF on the 'To' and 'CC' headers. By specifying the addlinead- drs keyword on the 'defaults' or 'l' channel on your VMS PMDF system, messages sent from VMS MAIL through PMDF will contain all addresses in the 'To' and 'CC' headers. This keyword was pre- viously undocumented. (D/E 7008) 4-3 Release Notes Database __________________________________________________________________ 4.5 Database 1. Addressed a problem with the PBL database soft- ware on Unix systems. There was a problem with PBL not being thread-safe when used in multi- threaded processes such as the SMTP server. This can result in many different symptoms such as: crashes, infinite loops, and failed database lookups. [Unix only] (D/E 11204) __________________________________________________________________ 4.6 Installation 1. On OpenVMS, for new installations, the kit will now check whether the device and directory en- tered exists or not. If it does not exist, it will print a warning that the directory does not exist and it will be created by the installa- tion. Then the kit offers the system manager the option to enter a different device and di- rectory. [OpenVMS only] (D/E 11205) __________________________________________________________________ 4.7 Miscellaneous 1. Fixed an internal coding problem that can cause a Pascal SUBSTRSEL error ("SUBSTR or substring- access selection error"), for example seen when running the API example code in PMDF_ROOT:[DOC.EXAMPLES]API_ EXAMPLE12.C. [OpenVMS only] (D/E 10941) 2. Removed support for the IDENT protocol. The identtcp* channel keywords no longer have any effect. (D/E 9628) 4-4 Release Notes PMDF MAIL (OpenVMS only) __________________________________________________________________ 4.8 PMDF MAIL (OpenVMS only) 1. Added more display of errors encountered in PMDF MAIL. (D/E 11095) 2. Fixed a problem with PMDF MAIL which could cause it to fail when trying to send a file with an ERRREADIN "error reading input file" message. (D/E 11075) 3. Fixed a problem with PMDF MAIL with the SEND/EDIT/INSERT/ENCAP/DIGEST command not creating a blank MIME part. (D/E 11046) 4. Fixed a problem with the PRINT/NOW command in- correctly printing the current message if /QUEUE is specified. The /QUEUE qualifier is not al- lowed on the PRINT/NOW command. Fixed the PRINT/NOW command to enforce the documented restriction that the only qualifier allowed with PRINT/NOW is /[NO]NOTIFY. (D/E 9499) __________________________________________________________________ 4.9 POP and IMAP Servers 1. Fixed the legacy IMAP and POP servers to include TLS information in their pmdf_log:connection.log entries. (D/E 11070) 2. Fixed a problem with the legacy POP and IMAP servers where empty pmdf_log:pop3_thread.log and pmdf_ log:imap_thread.log files were created even when debug logging was turned off. (D/E 11008) 3. Fixed a problem in the legacy IMAP server with using the RESTRICT option in a ruleset in pmdf_ table:security.cnf when authenticating against accounts from the SYSTEM authentication source. It would incorrectly disallow logins after TLS was used. (D/E 10991) 4-5 Release Notes popstore / MessageStore __________________________________________________________________ 4.10 popstore / MessageStore 1. Fixed a problem with a spurious error message appearing when sending mail from a non-privileged VMS account to a local msgstore user. [Open- VMS only] (D/E 11182) 2. Fixed a problem in the MessageStore IMAP server which could cause a crash (ACCVIO/segfault). (D/E 11085) 3. Added support for the IDLE command to the Mes- sageStore IMAP server. (D/E 10964) 4. Fixed a problem with msgstore with handling cer- tain malformed MIME messages, which are seen as corrupted. (D/E 10249) __________________________________________________________________ 4.11 SASL 1. Added a new feature to SASL authentication. By default, when checking a username and password against each authentication source listed in the ENABLE line in pmdf_table:security.cnf, PMDF will stop as soon as it gets either a fail or pass result. By specifying AUTH_METHOD=2 in the [RULE- SET] section, PMDF will continue to check au- thentication sources until it gets a pass re- sult. Specifically, if it gets a fail result, instead of stopping, it will continue to check the next authentication source in the ENABLE list. A value of AUTH_METHOD=1 gets the old behavior (this is the default). (D/E 10397) 4-6 Release Notes SMTP __________________________________________________________________ 4.12 SMTP 1. Fixed a problem with the wrapping of long header lines. When the option LONG_LINE_MODE=2 is spec- ified in a tcp channel option file (such as pmdf_ table:tcp_local_option), PMDF will wrap both header and body lines that exceed the SMTP RFC-specified maximum of 998 characters. There was a prob- lem with the wrapping of header lines such that an invalid header line was produced. This has been fixed. (D/E 11206) __________________________________________________________________ 4.13 TLS 1. Made a couple of changes to the tls_certreq util- ity. The utility can now be run before the PMDF- TLS license has been activated. This allows the administrator to generate the certificate and key files so they can be ready and in place be- fore the license is loaded. Also, the e-mail address is now optional, as some email clients (such as Eudora) do not accept licenses contain- ing email addresses. (D/E 9878) __________________________________________________________________ 4.14 Utilities 1. dispatcher_stats_tty utility: o Added the process name to the process ID in the output of pmdf_exe:dispatcher_stats_tty.exe. [OpenVMS only] (D/E 10963) 2. migrate utility: o Added two enhancements to the migrate util- ity to be more robust and deal with communi- cation problems. The -recover option has been 4-7 Release Notes Utilities added to tell migrate to reconnect to a re- mote IMAP server if it gets a communication failure. The -fromrecon and -torecon options have been added to tell migrate to periodi- cally disconnect and reconnect to the source and destination IMAP servers (respectively). The -fromrecon and -torecon options take a pa- rameter which is the number of messages to send between reconnecting. (D/E 10984) 3. movein utility: o Fixed pmdf movein so that when folders are mi- grated from VMS MAIL to msgstore, intermedi- ate folders (folders that have subfolders) get created correctly in msgstore. Previously, if an intermediate folder had no messages in it, movein was incorrectly creating it as a plain directory, rather than as a msgstore folder. [OpenVMS only] (D/E 11132) o Modified pmdf movein on OpenVMS to not auto- matically lowercase folder names that are in all uppercase. To get the old behavior, de- fine the logical name MBXMOVE_OLD_BEHAVIOR be- fore running movein. [OpenVMS only] (D/E 11129) 4. password utility: o Fixed a problem with pmdf password on Unix plat- forms getting errors about not being able to open the password file. [Unix only] (D/E 11056) 5. qm utility: o Fixed a bug in pmdf qm -maint when trying to list messages from the queue cache database for a specific channel or set of channels, for example: 4-8 Release Notes Utilities qm.maint> dir -database tcp_* qm.maint> dir -database msgstore In most cases, it would say that there were no messages in the channel, even if there were. [Unix only] (D/E 11019) o Fixed a bug in pmdf qm -maint when trying to list messages from the queue directory tree for a specific channel. If the channel is not using subdirectories, in most cases, qm.maint would say that there were no messages in the channel, even if there were. [Unix only] (D/E 11018) o Fixed a problem on Unix in QM where it would segfault if an invalid character was entered to identify a message ID. [Unix only] (D/E 9892) __________________________________________________________________ 4.15 Updated Software Updated the following open source software used by PMDF: o Updated Pine to version 4.64 on OpenVMS plat- forms. (D/E 10412) __________________________________________________________________ 4.16 Third Party Licenses Licenses for third party open source software that are included in the PMDF product are now avail- able in a new directory under the PMDF documenta- tion directory: o PMDF_ROOT:[DOC.3RDPARTY] on OpenVMS o /pmdf/doc/3rdparty on Unix platforms o \pmdf\doc\3rdparty on Windows 4-9