% Librarian I01-42IѭKѭX5CREATE'DELETE2HEXIT34EXPORT:FHELP;IMPORT?2LISTT<MODIFYlSEARCHrSHOWw@SPAWNwSTARTzSTOP|WAIT|ZERO 'Jѭ 1 CREATE 2 DATABASED Creates the basic OpenVMS Registry database files in the location@ specified by the SYS$REGISTRY logical. The command creates an0 empty database and loads the predefined keys.B If you enter this command and the database files already exist,@ the utility does not overwrite the existing files. The systemB displays a warning that the files already exist. If you want to@ create a new OpenVMS Registry database, you must first deleteA  all previous versions of the database files. If you delete theD OpenVMS Registry database files, you will lose all keys, subkeys,- and values stored in the OpenVMS Registry.. This command requires the SYSPRV privilege.? The following table lists and describes the OpenVMS Registry database files.+ File Description4 REGISTRY$ROOT.DAT Root of the database/ REGISTRY$USERS.REG HKEY_USERS tree7 REGISTRY$LOCAL_MACHINE.REG  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE tree: REGISTRY$MASTER.RLG The master commit log fileB REGISTRY$REPLY.RLG Log file that tracks modification A requests to the OpenVMS Registry ( database Format: CREATE DATABASE 3 Qualifiers/WAIT /WAIT=seconds (default = 90) /NOWAITA Specifies the maximum amount of time, in seconds, that you areB willing to wait for command completion. If the Reg istry serverB does not complete the request in the specified interval, REG$CPA returns REG-F-NORESPONSE. The default interval is 90 seconds. C /NOWAIT is equivalent to specifying /WAIT=0, but there may still be a short wait period. /VERSION( /VERSION=version-number (default = 2)* Specifies how to format the database. D Specify a version number of 1 to create a non-indexed database. ? Specify a version number of 2 to create an indexed database.&  NOTEC OpenVMS Registry servers running on OpenVMS V7.3-1 or later @ support both version 1 and version 2 databases. OpenVMS B Registry servers prior to OpenVMS V7.3-1 support version 1  databases only. 3 Examples REG> CREATE DATABASEE By default, this command regenerates the basic OpenVMS Registry ? database files using version 2 format (indexed database). % REG> CREATE DATABASE/VERSION=1C This command ca uses the basic OpenVMS Registry database files F to be regenerated using version 1 format (non-indexed database). 2 KEY= Creates one or more keys in the OpenVMS Registry database.? This command requires the SYSPRV privilege or the REG$UPDATE rights identifier. Format: CREATE KEY key-name[,...]  key-name[,...]C Specifies the name of the key to create. You can create multiple, keys by separating the keys with commas.  3 Qualifiers /CACHE_ACTION /CACHE_ACTION=valueB Specifies the cache attribute for the new key. The value can be@ WRITEBEHIND (write to disk later) or WRITETHRU (write to disk immediately).> If you omit /CACHE_ACTION, the system creates the key with 0 the cache attribute set to REG$K_WRITEBEHIND. /CLASS_NAME /CLASS_NAME=string' Specifies the class name of the key. /LINK$ /LINK=(TYPE=value, NAME=key-name)C Defines the key as a link to another key. The link value must be one of the following: o SYMBOLICLINK o NONE) To remove a link, enter the following: /LINK=(TYPE=NONE,NAME="") /SECPOLICY /SECPOLICY=policyD Defines the security policy for the key. Currently the only valid policy is NT_40. /VOLATILE /VOLATILE=level /NONVOLATILE (default)? Specifies whether or not the new key is volatile. If you are? running the OpenVMS Registry on a standalone OpenVMS system,= volatile keys are lost when the system reboots. If you are? running the OpenVMS Registry in an OpenVMS cluster, volatile< keys are lost when all nodes in the cluster are rebooted.' The values for level are as follows:! o NONE (same as /NONVOLATILE) o CLUSTER /WAIT /WAIT=seconds (default = 90) /NOWAITA Specifies the maximum amount of time, in seconds, that you areB willing to wait for command completion. If the Registry serverB does not complete the request in the specified interval, REG$CPA returns REG-F-NORESPONSE. The default interval is 90 seconds. C /NOWAIT is equivalent to specifying /WAIT=0, but there may still be a short wait period. /WRITEBEHIND /WRITEBEHIND  /NOWRITEBEHIND (default)9 Specifies when the information can be written to disk.@ /WRITEBEHIND specifies that the information can be written to? disk later. /NOWRITEBEHIND specifies write-through operationB (that is, the information must be written to disk immediately). 3 Example= REG> CREATE KEY/CACHE_ACTION=WRITEBEHIND HKEY_USERS - ) _REG> \GUEST, HKEY_USERS\SYSTEMA Creates the GUEST and SYSTEM keys under the HKEY_USERS entryA point. The keys are created with the write-behind attribute. 2 SNAPSHOT@ Creates a snapshot of the OpenVMS Registry database. That is,C the system writes all cached OpenVMS Registry keys or values and7 makes a copy of the OpenVMS Registry database files. D The OpenVMS Registry server copies database files to the locationF specified by /DESTINATION (SYS$REGISTRY by default), using the fileF extension .RSS (Registry SnapShot). To restore the snapshot, shut C down all applications using the Registry, shut down the RegistryE server, and copy the files to SYS$REGISTRY, renaming them with the .REG file extension. " NOTE: When you restore the database from a snapshot, you = lose all modifications that were made to the database ) since the last snapshot was taken.@ By default the OpenVMS Registry server creates a snapshot> automatically every 24 hours and retains the five most  recent snapshot files.. This command requires the SYSPRV privilege. Format: CREATE SNAPSHOT 3 Qualifiers /DESTINATION /DESTINATION=file-spec> Controls where the system will write the snapshot files. By; default, the system creates the snapshot in the location) specified by the SYS$REGISTRY logical.A If you specify the /DESTINATION qualifier but do not provide a@ valid directory, the system creates the snapshot files in the> directory in which you started the OpenVMS Registry server. /VERSIONS /VERSIONS=number@ Specifies how many previous versions of the snapshot files to keep./WAIT /WAIT=seconds (default = 90) /NOWAITA Specifies the maximum amount of time, in seconds, that you areB willing to wait for command completion. If the Registry serverB does not complete the request in the specified interval, REG$CPA returns REG-F-NORESPONSE. The default interval is 90 seconds. C /NOWAIT is equivalent to specifying /WAIT=0, but there may still be a short wait period.  3 Example> REG> CREATE SNAPSHOT/DESTINATION=SYS$REGISTRY/VERSION=3? Creates a snapshot of the OpenVMS Registry database in the? SYS$REGISTRY directory. If more than three versions of the? OpenVMS Registry database snapshot files exist, the systemC deletes the oldest version (the same as purge/keep=3 command). 2 VALUEC Specifies the data component for the specified key. If the value1 does not exist, the command creates the value.? This command requires the SYSPRV privilege or the REG$UPDATE rights identifier. Format: CREATE VALUE key-name key-nameB Specifies the name of the key for which you will set the value. 3 Qualifiers/DATA /DATA=value) The value can be one of the following:( o String (for example, /DATA=COSMOS)> o An array of strings separated by a comma and enclosed in5 parentheses (for example, /DATA=(COSMOS,Noidea)B o A longword in binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal format.@ %B, %O, %D, and %X, or 0B, 0O, 0D, and 0X prefixes specify* the format. The default is decimal. $ Examples: /DATA=%X1A0FCB (hex)$ /DATA=0X1A0FCB (hex)& /DATA=%D1234 (decimal)0 /DATA=1234 (decimal, by default) NOTE; You cannot specify the /INPUT qualifier with /DATA. /FLAGS /FLAGS=flagC Specifies the data flags value. This is an application-dependent@ 64-bit flag specified as a decimal number or as a hexadecimal number preceded by 0x or %X. /INPUT /INPUT=filename; Specifies that the valu e data is to be read from a file.@ The input value data can be specified in one of the followingB formats. With the exception of SZ, the format is specified by aC keyword at the start of the file. The keyword can be entered in@ uppercase or lowercase. Input records following a keyword canE span multiple lines; use "\" at the end of any continuation lines.. o SZ: a null-terminated Unicode stringB Enter SZ data by enclosing the record in quotes. You do ?  not specify an SZ keyword for this input value type. A You cannot continue the quoted string to a second line.% "This is Unicode Data."! o DWORD: A 32-bit number.@ The data following the DWORD keyword is interpreted as@ a single, 32-bit value. It can be entered as a singleB value or as a list of values, separated by commas, with @ the least significant value first, provided the total  is 32 or fewer bits. > For example, the following valid specifications are  equivalent:B dword:44332211 DWORD:11,22,33,44 Dword:2211,4433E The following specifications are invalid because the total ! always exceeds 32 bits: dword:5544332211" dword:11,22,33,44,55 dword:2211,554433> o EXPAND_SZ: A string of Unicode characters. The dataC following the EXPAND_SZ keyword is interpreted as a list 0 of 4-byte Unicode values. For example: expand_sz:43,44,457 This example stores the Unicode string "CDE".A o MULTI_SZ: A concatenated array of SZ strings. The dataD following the MULTI_SZ keyword is interpreted as a list ofE 4-byte Unicode values, specifying two or more terminated SZ strings. For example:D MULTI_SZ:52,61,69,6e,00,53,6c,65,65,74,00,53,6e,6f,77,00F This example stores the Unicode strings "Rain", "Sleet", and "Snow".B o HEX: Binary data. The data following the HEX keyword is< interpreted as a list of hex values. For example: HEX:0F,C0,F0,FFB o DEC: Binary data. The data following the DEC keyword is@ interpreted as a list of decimal values. For example: DEC:15,192,240,255B o OCT: Binary data. The data following the OCT keyword is> interpreted as a list of octal values. For example: OCT:17,300,360,377B o BIN: Binary data. The data following the BIN keyword is? interpreted as a list of binary values. For example:1 BIN:1111,11000000,11110000,11111111# NOTESG o The input format is similar to the IMPORT and EXPORT file format.H o The input data type is independent of the data storage type, which/ is specified by the /TYPE_CODE qualifier.B o When you specify a binary input type (HEX, DEC, OCT or BIN) E for each value in the record, the data is stored in the fewest C bytes possible. No alignment is performed. To insure properB alignment, always enter any list of values as byte values. = This input should be a stream of byte values, with the 1 least significant byte first. For example:E DEC:253, 254, 255, 256, 257 (bytes/words, unaligned)H DEC:253, 0, 254, 0, 255, 0, 256, 257 (by !tes/words, word aligned)H DEC:253, 0, 254, 0, 255, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2 (byte stream, word aligned)C o The input and storage types must be compatible. For example, @ you cannot specify value type DWORD (which means that the ? stored data is 4 bytes) and then input the SZ string "A" @ because then the SZ string would consist of the character B 00000041 and the terminator 00000000, which cannot fit in a C DWORD. Attempting this will result in a REG-E-INVDATA error. "D However, specifying an empty string ("") does work and stores G just the terminator. Conversely, the input type DWORD specifies F an input data length of 4 bytes. You cannot specify value type A SZ and input type DWORD:00000041 because SZ strings must beE terminated. The only valid DWORD you can enter in this case is 00000000.E o When specifying /INPUT, you cannot specify the /DATA qualifier./LINK$ /LINK=(TYPE=value, NAME=key-name)C # Defines the key as a link to another key. The link value must be one of the following: o SYMBOLICLINK o NONE) To remove a link, enter the following: /LINK=(TYPE=NONE,NAME="") /NAME /NAME=string' Specifies the name of the new value. /TYPE_CODE /TYPE_CODE=typeC Specifies the type of the new value. The type value must be one  of the following:* o SZ: a null-terminated Unicode string/ o EXPAND_SZ: a string of Unicode$ characters2 o MULTI_SZ: a concatenated array of SZ strings o DWORD: a 32-bit number  o BINARY: raw binary data /WAIT /WAIT=seconds (default = 90) /NOWAITA Specifies the maximum amount of time, in seconds, that you areB willing to wait for command completion. If the Registry serverB does not complete the request in the specified interval, REG$CPA returns REG-F-NORESPONSE. The default interval is 90 seconds. C /NOWAIT is equivalent to specif%ying /WAIT=0, but there may still be a short wait period. /WRITEBEHIND /WRITEBEHIND  /NOWRITEBEHIND (default)9 Specifies when the information can be written to disk.@ /WRITEBEHIND specifies that the information can be written to? disk later. /NOWRITEBEHIND specifies write-through operationB (that is, the information must be written to disk immediately). 3 Examples: REG> CREATE VALUE/DATA=COSMOS/TYPE=SZ/NAME=COMPUTERNAME - _REG> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\NODE &= This example creates the COMPUTERNAME value for the keyB HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\NODE and sets its type to SZ and its data value to "COSMOS". G REG> CREATE VALUE HKEY_USERS\CVEX1/NAME=SZ-HEX/TYPE=SZ/INPUT=SYS$INPUTG HEX:41,00,00,00,42,00,00,00,43,00,00,00,44,00,00,00,45,00,00,00,\ 46,00,00,00,00,00,00,00H This example creates the SZ-HEX value for the key HKEY_USERS\CVEX1G and sets its type to SZ. The data is entered as hex data. In thisH part 'icular case, the data equates to the Unicode string "ABCDEF". D It would be simpler to enter ABCDEF as a string. However, thisC format provides the capability of entering any Unicode value,H including those you may not be able to input directly as a string. $ CREATE POWERS2.DATG DEC:2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096,8192,16384,32768,65536,\@ 131072,262144,524288,1048576,2097152,4194304,8388608,16777216,\; 33554432,67108864,134217728,268435456,536870912,1073741824( REG> CREATE VALUE -@ HKEY_USERS\CVEX2/NAME=BIN-FILE/TYPE=BINARY/INPUT=POWERS2.DATG This example creates data file POWERS2.DAT containing a series ofG decimal values. Next the user creates the value BIN-FILE for theG key HKEY_USERS\CVEX2 and sets its type to BINARY. The raw binary6 data is read from file POWERS2.DAT to BIN-FILE. wwGJѭ 1 DELETE 2 KEYB Removes a specified key from the OpenVMS Registry database. The@ system does) not delete a key if the key has subkeys. Use theA DELETE TREE command if you wish to delete a key and all of its subkeys.$ CAUTIONB Deleting a key results in symbolic links not being followed.> This is because the system deletes the key you specify, $ even if it has symbolic links." NOTE@ The OpenVMS Registry database predefined keys are reserved< keys and cannot be deleted. These keys are HKEY_*USER, 0 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, and HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.? This command requires the SYSPRV privilege or the REG$UPDATE rights identifier. Format:" DELETE KEY key-path key-name key-path Specifies the key path. key-name+ Specifies the name of the key to delete. 3 Qualifiers/WAIT /WAIT=seconds (default = 90) /NOWAITA Specifies the maximum amount of time, in seconds, that you areB willing to wait for command compl+etion. If the Registry serverB does not complete the request in the specified interval, REG$CPA returns REG-F-NORESPONSE. The default interval is 90 seconds. C /NOWAIT is equivalent to specifying /WAIT=0, but there may still be a short wait period. /WRITEBEHIND /WRITEBEHIND  /NOWRITEBEHIND (default)9 Specifies when the information can be written to disk.@ /WRITEBEHIND specifies that the information can be written to? disk later. /NOWRITEBEHIND specifies writ,e-through operationB (that is, the information must be written to disk immediately). 3 Example, REG> DELETE KEY HKEY_USERS\NODE GUEST> Deletes the GUEST key from the OpenVMS Registry database. 2 VALUE( Removes a value from a specified key.' CAUTION: Deleting a value results in symbolic links not being= followed. This is because the system deletes the value 1 you specify, even if it has symbolic links.? - This command requires the SYSPRV privilege or the REG$UPDATE rights identifier. Format:& DELETE VALUE key-name value-name key-name8 Specifies the key name whose value should be removed. value-name! Specifies the value to remove. 3 Qualifiers/WAIT /WAIT=seconds (default = 90) /NOWAITA Specifies the maximum amount of time, in seconds, that you areB willing to wait for command completion. If the Registry serverB d.oes not complete the request in the specified interval, REG$CPA returns REG-F-NORESPONSE. The default interval is 90 seconds. C /NOWAIT is equivalent to specifying /WAIT=0, but there may still be a short wait period. /WRITEBEHIND /WRITEBEHIND  /NOWRITEBEHIND (default)9 Specifies when the information can be written to disk.@ /WRITEBEHIND specifies that the information can be written to? disk later. /NOWRITEBEHIND specifies write-through operationB (that is,/ the information must be written to disk immediately). 3 Example2 REG> DELETE VALUE HKEY_USERS\GUEST PASSWORD3 Deletes the PASSWORD value from the GUEST key. 2 TREED Removes the specified key and all of its subkeys from the OpenVMS Registry database.$ CAUTIONB Deleting a key results in symbolic links not being followed.> This is because the system deletes the key you specify, $ even if it has symbolic links." 0 NOTE@ The OpenVMS Registry database predefined keys are reserved< keys and cannot be deleted. These keys are HKEY_USER, 0 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, and HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.? This command requires the SYSPRV privilege or the REG$UPDATE rights identifier. Format:# DELETE TREE key-path key-name key-path Specifies the key path. key-nameE Specifies the name of the top level key of the tree to be deleted. 1 3 Qualifiers/LOG /LOG /NOLOG (default)A Displays the names of the subkeys of the top level key as they are deleted./WAIT /WAIT=seconds (default = 90) /NOWAITA Specifies the maximum amount of time, in seconds, that you areB willing to wait for command completion. If the Registry serverB does not complete the request in the specified interval, REG$CPA returns REG-F-NORESPONSE. The default interval is 90 seconds. C /NOWAIT is equivalent2 to specifying /WAIT=0, but there may still be a short wait period. /WRITEBEHIND /WRITEBEHIND  /NOWRITEBEHIND (default)9 Specifies when the information can be written to disk.@ /WRITEBEHIND specifies that the information can be written to? disk later. /NOWRITEBEHIND specifies write-through operationB (that is, the information must be written to disk immediately). 3 Example, REG> CREATE KEY HKEY_USERS\NODE\GUEST4 REG> CREATE KEY HKEY_USERS\NO3DE\GUEST\SUBKEY14 REG> CREATE KEY HKEY_USERS\NODE\GUEST\SUBKEY2> REG> CREATE KEY HKEY_USERS\NODE\GUEST\SUBKEY1\SUBKEY1_2- REG> DELETE TREE HKEY_USERS\NODE GUEST@ Deletes the GUEST key and its subkeys SUBKEY1, SUBKEY2, and: SUBKEY1\SUBKEY1_2 from the OpenVMS Registry database. wwW Kѭ1 EXITB Enables you to exit from REG$CP and return to the DCL commandF prompt. You can also return to the DCL command level by pressing Ctrl/Z.4 Format: EXIT wwW Kѭ 1 EXPORT 2 DATABASEB Exports the entire OpenVMS Registry database contents to a text format file.C The default file format is OpenVMS format. You can also specifyA that the file be exported as a Windows NT-compatible text fileB format, which you can use to import key names and values into a Windows Registry.. This command requires the SYSPRV privilege. Format: EXPORT DATABASE 3 Q5ualifiers/FORMAT /FORMAT=NT /FORMAT=OPENVMS (default)@ Specifies the format in which the system writes the database. NOTEA If you intend to import the database to an OpenVMS system, youE should not specify /FORMAT=NT. Doing so will not preserve OpenVMS> specific structures which are needed to import to OpenVMS. /LOG. Displays the export progress to the screen. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file-nameB Specifies a name for the exported file. The def6ault output file name is REGISTRY.TXT. /WAIT /WAIT=seconds (default = 90) /NOWAITA Specifies the maximum amount of time, in seconds, that you areB willing to wait for command completion. If the Registry serverB does not complete the request in the specified interval, REG$CPA returns REG-F-NORESPONSE. The default interval is 90 seconds. C /NOWAIT is equivalent to specifying /WAIT=0, but there may still be a short wait period.  3 ExampleF R 7EG> EXPORT DATABASE/LOG/OUTPUT=TUES_VERSION.TXT/FORMAT=OPENVMS7 REG> EXPORT DATABASE/LOG/OUTPUT=TUES_VERSION.TXTB The EXPORT command in these examples logs the progress of theB export to the screen as the system exports the entire OpenVMS> Registry database to the TUES_VERSION.TXT file in OpenVMS format. A REG> EXPORT DATABASE/LOG/OUTPUT=TUES_VERSION.TXT/FORMAT=NT@ The EXPORT command in this example logs the progress of theB export to the screen as8 the system exports the entire OpenVMSA Registry database to the TUES_VERSION.TXT file in Windows NT format. 2 KEYD Exports a specific OpenVMS Registry database key (and optionally A its subkeys) to a text format file. /NOSUBKEYS is the default. C The default file format is OpenVMS format. You can also specifyA that the file be exported as a Windows NT-compatible text fileB format, which you can use to import key names and values into a Windows Registry..9 This command requires the SYSPRV privilege. Format: EXPORT KEY key-name key-name1 Specifies the name of the key to be exported. 3 Qualifiers /FORMAT /FORMAT=NT /FORMAT=OPENVMS (default)@ Specifies the format in which the system writes the database.$ NOTEC If you intend to import the exported text file to an OpenVMSB system, do not specify /FORMAT=NT. NT Export Registry FileA for:mat does not preserve OpenVMS specific data structures. /LOG. Displays the export progress to the screen. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file-nameB Specifies a name for the exported file. The default output file name is REGISTRY.TXT. /SUBKEY /SUBKEY /NOSUBKEYS (default)F Specifies whether or not the key's subkeys are also to be exported./WAIT /WAIT=seconds (default = 90) /NOWAITA Specifies the maximum amount of time, in seconds, that you ;areB willing to wait for command completion. If the Registry serverB does not complete the request in the specified interval, REG$CPA returns REG-F-NORESPONSE. The default interval is 90 seconds. C /NOWAIT is equivalent to specifying /WAIT=0, but there may still be a short wait period.  wwW Kѭ1 HELPE Displays information about using the REG$CP utility and includes E formats and explanations for commands, parameters, and qualifiers. Forma<t: HELP [keyword [...]] keyword [...]C Specifies one or more keywords for a command and its subtopics. wwW Kѭ 1 IMPORT@ Allows a user to import a text-formatted file (created by the5 EXPORT command) into an OpenVMS Registry database.@ You can also import a Windows NT Export Registry File into an OpenVMS Registry database.4 CONVERSION OF WINDOWS NT BINARY VALUES> You can import Windows NT resource descriptors (such= as = configuration data) into the OpenVMS Registry database E even though OpenVMS does not support NT resource descriptors. ? The system displays a message when importing NT resource < descriptors and converts them to the binary data type.. This command requires the SYSPRV privilege. Format: IMPORT 2 Qualifiers /INPUT /INPUT=file-nameA Specifies a name of the file to import. The default input file name is REGISTRY.TXT.>/LOG. Displays the import progress to the screen. /WAIT /WAIT=seconds (default = 90) /NOWAITA Specifies the maximum amount of time, in seconds, that you areB willing to wait for command completion. If the Registry serverB does not complete the request in the specified interval, REG$CPA returns REG-F-NORESPONSE. The default interval is 90 seconds. C /NOWAIT is equivalent to specifying /WAIT=0, but there may still be a short wait period.  /WRITEBE?HIND /WRITEBEHIND  /NOWRITEBEHIND (default)9 Specifies when the information can be written to disk.@ /WRITEBEHIND specifies that the information can be written to? disk later. /NOWRITEBEHIND specifies write-through operationB (that is, the information must be written to disk immediately). 2 Examples/ REG> IMPORT /LOG /INPUT=TUES_VERSION.TXT@ The IMPORT command in this example logs the progress of theD import to the screen as the system imports "@the TUES_VERSION.TXT file. wwg4Kѭ1 LIST 2 KEY1 Displays the attributes for the specified key. NOTE , Symbolic links are not followed.? This command requires the SYSPRV privilege or the REG$LOOKUP rights identifier. Format: LIST KEY key-name key-name) Specifies the name of the key to list. 3 Qualifiers /CACHE_ACTION- Displays the cache attribute for thAe key.  /CLASS_NAME) Displays the class name of the subkey. /FULLD Displays all available information-that is, information displayedC by the /LAST_WRITE, /CACHE_ACTION, /INFORMATION, /LINK_PATH, and /CLASS_NAME qualifiers. /INFORMATION@ Displays the information (subkey number, value number, subkey0 name max, and so on) about the specified key. /LAST_WRITE6 Displays the time when the subkey was last updated. /LINK_PATH7 DisplayBs the key path to which the subkey is linked. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file-spec> Controls where the output of the command is sent. If you do< not specify a file name, the system uses the default name REGISTRY.LIS./WAIT /WAIT=seconds (default = 90) /NOWAITA Specifies the maximum amount of time, in seconds, that you areB willing to wait for command completion. If the Registry serverB does not complete the request in the specified interval, REG$CPA returCns REG-F-NORESPONSE. The default interval is 90 seconds. C /NOWAIT is equivalent to specifying /WAIT=0, but there may still be a short wait period. 3 Example? The LIST KEY/FULL command in this example displays the GUEST; key attributes as well as the name and attributes of the subkeys of GUEST.* REG> LIST KEY/FULL HKEY_USERS\GUEST, Key name: HKEY_USERS\GUEST. Security policy: REG$K_POLICY_NT_40& Volatile: REG$K_NODNE- Cache: REG$K_WRITEBEHIND0 Class: System Authorization& Link Type: REG$K_NONE3 Last written: 7-AUG-1998 12:42:08.55 Key information:@ Number of subkeys: 2 Number of values: 0@ Max size of subkey name: 40 Max size of class name: 40@ Max size of value name: 0 Max size of value data: 0 Subkey(s):& Key name: QUOTAS2 Security Epolicy: REG$K_POLICY_NT_40* Volatile: REG$K_NONE1 Cache: REG$K_WRITEBEHIND* Class: Disk quota* Link Type: REG$K_NONE7 Last written: 7-AUG-1998 12:41:19.21 Key information:B Number of subkeys: 0 Number of values: 0B Max size of subkey name: 0 Max size of class name: 0B Max size of value name: 0 Max size of value data:F 0& Key name: IDENTIFIER. Security policy: REG$K_POLICY_NT_40& Volatile: REG$K_NONE+ Cache: REG$K_WRITETHRU& Class: Disk quota. Link Type: REG$K_SYMBOLICLINKD Link Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IDENTIFIER\GUEST2 Last written: 7-AUG-1998 12:42:08.55 Key information:C Number of subkeys: 0 Number of values: 0C MGax size of subkey name: 0 Max size of class name: 0C Max size of value name: 0 Max size of value data: 0" NOTE> The Max sizes information shows the number of bytes, not3 characters. (Each character is 4 bytes long.) 2 SECURITYDESCRIPTORG Displays the security descriptor associated with the specified key. E A security descriptor consists of a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure E and its associated security information. HSecurity information can @ include security identifiers (SIDs), a system access-control @ list (SACL), and a discretionary access-control list (DACL). Format:# LIST SECURITYDESCRIPTOR key-name key-nameB Specifies the name of the key whose security descriptor will be displayed. 3 Qualifier/WAIT /WAIT=seconds (default = 90) /NOWAITA Specifies the maximum amount of time, in seconds, that you areB willing to wait for command completion.I If the Registry serverB does not complete the request in the specified interval, REG$CPA returns REG-F-NORESPONSE. The default interval is 90 seconds. C /NOWAIT is equivalent to specifying /WAIT=0, but there may still be a short wait period. 3 Examples> The following LIST SECURITYDESCRIPTOR command displays the 4 security descriptor for the root key, HKEY_USERS.* REG> LIST SECURITYDESCRIPTOR HKEY_USERS Security Descriptor:" Revision: 0x J016 Control: 0x8004 (SE_DACL_PRESENT,7 SE_SELF_RELATIVE)* Owner Sid: S-1-5-20-220* Group Sid: S-1-5-20-220 Dacl:" Revision: 0x02$ Size: 0x0048$ Ace Count: 0x0003 Ace #1:< Type: 0x00 (ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE)7 Flags: 0x03 (OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE,: KCONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE)$ Size: 0x00187 Access Mask: 0x000f003f (Full Control)* Sid: S-1-5-20-220 Ace #2:< Type: 0x00 (ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE)7 Flags: 0x03 (OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE,: CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE)$ Size: 0x0014@ Access Mask: 0x00020019 (Query Value, EnumerateE S Lubkeys, Notify, Read Control)- Sid: S-1-1-0 (World) Ace #3:< Type: 0x00 (ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE)7 Flags: 0x03 (OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE,: CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE)$ Size: 0x00147 Access Mask: 0x000f003f (Full Control)/ Sid: S-1-5-12 (System)> The command in the following example displays the security 6 descriptor Mfor the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE key.; REG> LIST SECURITYDESCRIPTOR HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE Security Descriptor:" Revision: 0x016 Control: 0x8004 (SE_DACL_PRESENT,7 SE_SELF_RELATIVE)* Owner Sid: S-1-5-20-220* Group Sid: S-1-5-20-220 Dacl:" Revision: 0x02$ Size: 0x005c$ Ace Count: 0x0004 N Ace #1:< Type: 0x00 (ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE)7 Flags: 0x03 (OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE,: CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE)$ Size: 0x00187 Access Mask: 0x000f003f (Full Control)* Sid: S-1-5-20-220 Ace #2:< Type: 0x00 (ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE)7 Flags: 0x03 (OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE,: OCONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE)$ Size: 0x00147 Access Mask: 0x000f003f (Full Control)% Sid: S-1-3-0 Ace #3:< Type: 0x00 (ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE)7 Flags: 0x03 (OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE,: CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE)$ Size: 0x0014A Access Mask: 0x0003001f (Query Value, Set Value,B PCreate Subkey, EnumerateB Subkeys, Notify, Delete,7 Read Control)- Sid: S-1-1-0 (World) Ace #4:< Type: 0x00 (ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE)7 Flags: 0x03 (OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE,: CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE)$ Size: 0x00147 Access Mask: 0x000f003f (Full Control)/ QSid: S-1-5-12 (System)2 VALUEA Displays all values and value attributes of the specified key." NOTE1 Symbolic links are not followed.? This command requires the SYSPRV privilege or the REG$LOOKUP rights identifier. Format: LIST VALUE key-name key-name. Specifies the name of the key to enumerate. 3 Qualifiers /DATA? Displays an ASCII representation of the value in hexaRdecimal format. /FLAGSD Displays an ASCII representation of the data flag of the value in hexadecimal format. /FULLD Displays all available information-that is, information displayed> by the /TYPE_CODE, /LINK_PATH, /DATA_FLAGS, and /VALUE_DATA qualifiers. /LINK_PATH7 Displays the key path to which the subkey is linked. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file-spec> Controls where the output of the command is sent. If you do< not specify a file naSme, the system uses the default name REGISTRY.LIS. /TYPE_CODE& Display the type code of the value. /WAIT /WAIT=seconds (default = 90) /NOWAITA Specifies the maximum amount of time, in seconds, that you areB willing to wait for command completion. If the Registry serverB does not complete the request in the specified interval, REG$CPA returns REG-F-NORESPONSE. The default interval is 90 seconds. C /NOWAIT is equivalent to specifying /WAIT=0, but there maTy still be a short wait period.  3 ExampleA The LIST VALUE/TYPE_CODE/DATA command in this example displays8 the FORTRAN key and its value names, types, and data.BREG> LIST VALUE/TYPE_CODE/DATA HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\FORTRANB Key name: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\FORTRAN1 Security policy: REG$K_POLICY_NT_40) Volatile: REG$K_NONE6 Last written: 11-AUG-1998 16:27:55.81 Value(s):!U Value name: Version$ Volatile: REG$K_NONE" Type: REG$K_SZ Data: 5.3-50( Value name: Date Installed$ Volatile: REG$K_NONE" Type: REG$K_SZ% Data: 04-Jan-1998www[Kѭ 1 MODIFY 2 KEY0 Modifies the attributes of the specified key.' CAUTION9 Modifying a key results in symbolic links not beVing? followed. This is because the system modifies the key you= specified, not the key pointed to by the symbolic link.? This command requires the SYSPRV privilege or the REG$UPDATE rights identifier. Format: MODIFY KEY key-name  key-name+ Specifies the name of the key to modify. 3 Qualifiers /CACHE_ACTION /CACHE_ACTION=value> Specifies the cache attribute for the key. The value can be@ WRITEBEHIND (write to disWk later) or WRITETHRU (write to disk immediately). /CLASS_NAME /CLASS_NAME=string+ Specifies the new class name of the key. /LINK$ /LINK=(TYPE=value, NAME=key-name)C Defines the key as a link to another key. The link value must be one of the following: o SYMBOLICLINK o NONE) To remove a link, enter the following: /LINK=(TYPE=NONE,NAME="") /NEW_NAME /NEW_NAME=new-key-name% Specifies the new name of the key. X /SECPOLICY /SECPOLICY=policyD Defines the security policy for the key. Currently the only valid policy is NT_40. /WAIT /WAIT=seconds (default = 90) /NOWAITA Specifies the maximum amount of time, in seconds, that you areB willing to wait for command completion. If the Registry serverB does not complete the request in the specified interval, REG$CPA returns REG-F-NORESPONSE. The default interval is 90 seconds. C /NOWAIT is equivalent to specifyingY /WAIT=0, but there may still be a short wait period. /WRITEBEHIND /WRITEBEHIND  /NOWRITEBEHIND (default)9 Specifies when the information can be written to disk.@ /WRITEBEHIND specifies that the information can be written to? disk later. /NOWRITEBEHIND specifies write-through operationB (that is, the information must be written to disk immediately). 3 Example@ REG> MODIFY KEY/CACHE_ACTION=WRITEBEHIND HKEY_USERS\GUEST3 Modifies the cache attrZibute of the GUEST key. 2 TREEB Modifies the information for the specified key and its subkeys.' CAUTION: Modifying a tree results in symbolic links not being? followed. This is because the key and subkeys you specify@ are modified, not the key pointed to by the symbolic link.? This command requires the SYSPRV privilege or the REG$UPDATE rights identifier. Format: MODIFY TREE key-name key-name'[ Specifies the name of key to modify. 3 Qualifiers /CACHE_ACTION /CACHE_ACTION=valueB Specifies the cache attribute for the key and its subkeys. The ? value can be WRITEBEHIND (write to disk later) or WRITETHRU  (write to disk immediately). /CLASS_NAME /CLASS_NAME=string= Specifies the new class name for the given key and all its subkeys. /SECPOLICY /SECPOLICY=policyD Defines the security policy for the key. Currently the only\ valid policy is NT_40. /WAIT /WAIT=seconds (default = 90) /NOWAITA Specifies the maximum amount of time, in seconds, that you areB willing to wait for command completion. If the Registry serverB does not complete the request in the specified interval, REG$CPA returns REG-F-NORESPONSE. The default interval is 90 seconds. C /NOWAIT is equivalent to specifying /WAIT=0, but there may still be a short wait period. /WRITEBEHIND /WRITEBEHIND  /]NOWRITEBEHIND (default)9 Specifies when the information can be written to disk.@ /WRITEBEHIND specifies that the information can be written to? disk later. /NOWRITEBEHIND specifies write-through operationB (that is, the information must be written to disk immediately). 3 ExampleA REG> MODIFY TREE/CACHE_ACTION=WRITEBEHIND HKEY_USERS\GUEST> Modifies the cache attribute of the GUEST key and all its subkeys. 2 VALUE= Specifies the data component ^for the specified value. This& command modifies an existing value.' CAUTION; Modifying a value results in symbolic links not beingA followed. This is because the system modifies the value you? specified, not the value pointed to by the symbolic link.? This command requires the SYSPRV privilege or the REG$UPDATE rights identifier. Format:( MODIFY VALUE /NAME=string key-name key-name< Specifies the nam_e of the key for which to set the value. 3 Qualifiers /DATA /DATA=value6 Specifies the data for the value. The value can be:* o A string (for example, /DATA=COSMOS)> o An array of strings separated by a comma and enclosed in5 parentheses (for example, /DATA=(COSMOS,Noidea)B o A longword in binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal format.@ %B, %O, %D, and %X, or 0B, 0O, 0D, and 0X prefixes specify* the format. The default is decimal. `$ Examples: /DATA=%X1A0FCB (hex)$ /DATA=0X1A0FCB (hex)& /DATA=%D1234 (decimal)1 /DATA=1234 (decimal, by default) " NOTED If you specify /DATA, you cannot specify the /INPUT qualifier. /FLAGS /FLAGS=flagC Specifies the data flags value. This is an application-dependent@ 64-bit flag specified as a decimal number or as a hexadecimal number preceded by 0x or %X. /INPUT /INPU aT=filename; Specifies that the value data is to be read from a file.@ The input value data can be specified in one of the followingB formats. With the exception of SZ, the format is specified by aC keyword at the start of the file. The keyword can be entered in@ uppercase or lowercase. Input records following a keyword canE span multiple lines; use "\" at the end of any continuation lines.. o SZ: a null-terminated Unicode stringB Enter SZ data by enclosi bng the record in quotes. You do ? not specify an SZ keyword for this input value type. A You cannot continue the quoted string to a second line.% "This is Unicode Data."! o DWORD: A 32-bit number.@ The data following the DWORD keyword is interpreted as@ a single, 32-bit value. It can be entered as a singleB value or as a list of values, separated by commas, with @ the least significant value first, provided thce total  is 32 or fewer bits. > For example, the following valid specifications are  equivalent:B dword:44332211 DWORD:11,22,33,44 Dword:2211,4433E The following specifications are invalid because the total ! always exceeds 32 bits: dword:5544332211" dword:11,22,33,44,55 dword:2211,554433> o EXPAND_SZ: A string of Unicode characters. The dataC following th de EXPAND_SZ keyword is interpreted as a list 0 of 4-byte Unicode values. For example: expand_sz:43,44,457 This example stores the Unicode string "CDE".A o MULTI_SZ: A concatenated array of SZ strings. The dataD following the MULTI_SZ keyword is interpreted as a list ofE 4-byte Unicode values, specifying two or more terminated SZ strings. For example:D MULTI_SZ:52,61,69,6e,00,53,6c,65,65,74,00,53,6e,6f,7e7,00F This example stores the Unicode strings "Rain", "Sleet", and "Snow".B o HEX: Binary data. The data following the HEX keyword is< interpreted as a list of hex values. For example: HEX:0F,C0,F0,FFB o DEC: Binary data. The data following the DEC keyword is@ interpreted as a list of decimal values. For example: DEC:15,192,240,255B o OCT: Binary data. The data following the OCT keyword isf> interpreted as a list of octal values. For example: OCT:17,300,360,377B o BIN: Binary data. The data following the BIN keyword is? interpreted as a list of binary values. For example:1 BIN:1111,11000000,11110000,11111111% NOTESG o The input format is similar to the IMPORT and EXPORT file format.H o The input data type is independent of the data storage type, which/ is specified b gy the /TYPE_CODE qualifier.B o When you specify a binary input type (HEX, DEC, OCT or BIN) E for each value in the record, the data is stored in the fewest C bytes possible. No alignment is performed. To insure properB alignment, always enter any list of values as byte values. = This input should be a stream of byte values, with the 1 least significant byte first. For example:E DEC:253, 254, 255, 256, 257 (bytes/words, unaligned)H hDEC:253, 0, 254, 0, 255, 0, 256, 257 (bytes/words, word aligned)H DEC:253, 0, 254, 0, 255, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2 (byte stream, word aligned)C o The input and storage types must be compatible. For example, @ you cannot specify value type DWORD (which means that the ? stored data is 4 bytes) and then input the SZ string "A" @ because then the SZ string would consist of the character B 00000041 and the terminator 00000000, which cannot fit in a C DWORD. Attempting thiis will result in a REG-E-INVDATA error. D However, specifying an empty string ("") does work and stores G just the terminator. Conversely, the input type DWORD specifies F an input data length of 4 bytes. You cannot specify value type A SZ and input type DWORD:00000041 because SZ strings must beE terminated. The only valid DWORD you can enter in this case is 00000000.E o When specifying /INPUT, you cannot specify the /DATA qualifier./LINK$j /LINK=(TYPE=value, NAME=key-name)C Defines the key as a link to another key. The link value must be one of the following: o SYMBOLICLINK o NONE) To remove a link, enter the following: /LINK=(TYPE=NONE,NAME="") /NAME /NAME=string# Specifies the name of the value. /TYPE_CODE /TYPE_CODE=typeB Specifies the type of the new value. The type value must be one of the following:* o SZ: a null-terminated Unicode stringk/ o EXPAND_SZ: a string of Unicode characters2 o MULTI_SZ: a concatenated array of SZ strings o DWORD: a 32-bit number  o BINARY: raw binary data/WAIT /WAIT=seconds (default = 90) /NOWAITA Specifies the maximum amount of time, in seconds, that you areB willing to wait for command completion. If the Registry serverB does not complete the request in the specified interval, REG$CPA returns REG-F-NORESPONSE. The default interval is 90 seconds. Cl /NOWAIT is equivalent to specifying /WAIT=0, but there may still be a short wait period. /WRITEBEHIND /WRITEBEHIND  /NOWRITEBEHIND (default)9 Specifies when the information can be written to disk.@ /WRITEBEHIND specifies that the information can be written to? disk later. /NOWRITEBEHIND specifies write-through operationB (that is, the information must be written to disk immediately). 3 Example9REG> MODIFY VALUE/DATA=COSMOS/TYPE=SZ/NAME=COMPUTERNAME -m_REG> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\NODE= This example creates the COMPUTERNAME value for the key ; HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\NODE, and sets its type code to SZ $ and its data value to "COSMOS". wwKѭ 1 SEARCH 2 KEYB Displays the path name of all the keys that match the specified key.? This command requires the SYSPRV privilege or the REG$LOOKUP rights identifier. Format: SEARCH KEY key-search key-search. Specifiesn the key name for which to search. 3 Qualifiers/OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file-spec> Controls where the output of the command is sent. If you do< not specify a file name, the system uses the default name REGISTRY.LIS./WAIT /WAIT=seconds (default = 90) /NOWAITA Specifies the maximum amount of time, in seconds, that you areB willing to wait for command completion. If the Registry serverB does not complete the request in the specified interval, REG$CPA o returns REG-F-NORESPONSE. The default interval is 90 seconds. C /NOWAIT is equivalent to specifying /WAIT=0, but there may still be a short wait period. 3 Example2 REG> SEARCH KEY HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\...\NODE HARDWARE\CLUSTER\NODE HARDWARE\LOCAL\NODE NODE: Displays all the key paths that match the HKEY_LOCAL_< MACHINE\...\NODE selection. The ellipsis (...) wildcardB specifies that there can be any number of subkeys between theB HKEpY_LOCAL_MACHINE entry point and the NODE subkey. Note that& the search is not case sensitive. 2 VALUED Displays the path name of all the values that match the specified value name.? This command requires the SYSPRV privilege or the REG$LOOKUP rights identifier. Format:& SEARCH VALUE key-name value-name key-name0 Specifies the name of the key path to search. value-name0 Specifies the value name for which to search. 3 Qqualifiers/OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file-spec> Controls where the output of the command is sent. If you do< not specify a file name, the system uses the default name REGISTRY.LIS./WAIT /WAIT=seconds (default = 90) /NOWAITA Specifies the maximum amount of time, in seconds, that you areB willing to wait for command completion. If the Registry serverB does not complete the request in the specified interval, REG$CPA returns REG-F-NORESPONSE. The default intervarl is 90 seconds. C /NOWAIT is equivalent to specifying /WAIT=0, but there may still be a short wait period.  3 Example4 REG> SEARCH VALUE HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\... *AM% HARDWARE\CLUSTER\Name! HARDWARE\CLUSTER\NODE\Name HARDWARE\LOCAL\NODE\Name NODE\COMPUTERNAME< Displays all the value names that match the HKEY_LOCAL_< MACHINE\...\*am% selection. The ellipsis (...) wildcardB specifies that there can be any number of subkeys betwesen theA HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE entry point and the *am% value name. Note+ that the search is not case sensitive. wwKѭ1 SHOWH Displays OpenVMS Registry server internal statistics and information. 2 COUNTERSD Displays monitoring information from the OpenVMS Registry server.D This command requires the SYSPRV privilege or the REG$PERFORMANCE rights identifier. Format: SHOW COUNTERS/FILE [name] SHOW COUNTERS/PERFORMANCE t name< Identifies the file (used with the /FILE qualifier only). 3 Qualifiers /FILE= Displays counters for the specified file or for all files. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file-spec> Controls where the output of the command is sent. If you do< not specify a file name, the system uses the default name REGISTRY.LIS. /PERFORMANCE! Displays performance counters. /WAIT /WAIT=seconds (default = 90) /NOWAITA Specifies the maximum amounut of time, in seconds, that you areB willing to wait for command completion. If the Registry serverB does not complete the request in the specified interval, REG$CPA returns REG-F-NORESPONSE. The default interval is 90 seconds. C /NOWAIT is equivalent to specifying /WAIT=0, but there may still be a short wait period. 3 Examples REG> SHOW COUNTERS/FILED Displays monitoring information for all files from the OpenVMS  Registry server. - REG> SHOWv COUNTERS/FILE REGISTRY$USERSB Displays monitoring information for file REGISTRY$USERS from " the OpenVMS Registry server.  2 FILEB Displays status information about files loaded into the OpenVMS Registry server.D This command requires the SYSPRV privilege or the REG$PERFORMANCE rights identifier. Format: SHOW FILE [name]  name Identifies the file.  3 Qualifiers/OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file-spec> Controls where the woutput of the command is sent. If you do< not specify a file name, the system uses the default name REGISTRY.LIS. /WAIT /WAIT=seconds (default = 90) /NOWAITA Specifies the maximum amount of time, in seconds, that you areB willing to wait for command completion. If the Registry serverB does not complete the request in the specified interval, REG$CPA returns REG-F-NORESPONSE. The default interval is 90 seconds. C /NOWAIT is equivalent to specifying /WAIT=0, buxt there may still be a short wait period. wwKѭ1 SPAWNA Creates a subprocess of the current process. Portions of theC current process context are copied to the subprocess. You can? use the SPAWN command to temporarily leave REG$CP, perform, other functions, then return to REG$CP. Format: SPAWN [command-string]wwKѭ1 START 2 MONITORINGD Starts a monitoring component within the OpenVMS Registry!y server.D This command requires the SYSPRV privilege or the REG$PERFORMANCE rights identifier. Format:" START MONITORING/FILE [name]! START MONITORING/PERFORMANCE  name< Identifies the file (used with the /FILE qualifier only). 3 Qualifiers /FILED Start gathering counters for the specified file or for all files. /PERFORMANCE( Start gathering performance counters. /WAIT /WAIT=seconds (default = 90) /NOWAITzA Specifies the maximum amount of time, in seconds, that you areB willing to wait for command completion. If the Registry serverB does not complete the request in the specified interval, REG$CPA returns REG-F-NORESPONSE. The default interval is 90 seconds. C /NOWAIT is equivalent to specifying /WAIT=0, but there may still be a short wait period. 3 Example( REG> START MONITORING/PERFORMANCE< Enables a monitoring component of the OpenVMS Registry. ww{Kѭ1 STOP 2 MONITORINGC Stops a monitoring component within the OpenVMS Registry server.A This command is used to stop a monitoring component within the OpenVMS Registry server.D This command requires the SYSPRV privilege or the REG$PERFORMANCE rights identifier. Format:! STOP MONITORING/FILE [name] STOP MONITORING/PERFORMANCE  name< Identifies the file (used with the /FILE qualifier only). 3 Qualifiers |/FILEC Stop gathering counters for the specified file or for all files. /PERFORMANCE' Stop gathering performance counters./WAIT /WAIT=seconds (default = 90) /NOWAITA Specifies the maximum amount of time, in seconds, that you areB willing to wait for command completion. If the Registry serverB does not complete the request in the specified interval, REG$CPA returns REG-F-NORESPONSE. The default interval is 90 seconds. C /NOWAIT is equivalent to }specifying /WAIT=0, but there may still be a short wait period.  3 Example' REG> STOP MONITORING/PERFORMANCE= Disables a monitoring component of the OpenVMS Registry. wwKѭ1 WAITI Waits for the specified number of seconds or waits for a random number( of seconds within a range of seconds. Format: WAIT seconds% WAIT minimum-seconds maximum-seconds; The WAIT command is primarily intended for internal use.ww!~Kѭ1 ZERO 2 COUNTERS; Initializes counters within the OpenVMS Registry server.D This command requires the SYSPRV privilege or the REG$PERFORMANCE rights identifier. Format: ZERO COUNTERS/FILE [name] ZERO COUNTERS/PERFORMANCE  name< Identifies the file (used with the /FILE qualifier only). 3 Qualifiers /FILEB Initializes the file counters for the specified file or for all files. /PERFORMANCE(  Initializes all performance counters./WAIT /WAIT=seconds (default = 90) /NOWAITA Specifies the maximum amount of time, in seconds, that you areB willing to wait for command completion. If the Registry serverB does not complete the request in the specified interval, REG$CPA returns REG-F-NORESPONSE. The default interval is 90 seconds. C /NOWAIT is equivalent to specifying /WAIT=0, but there may still be a short wait period. 3 Example% REG> ZERO COUNTERS/PERFORMANCE2 This example resets the performance counters.ww