
This directory contains procedures used during installation and update of the WASD package. Although some of these procedures can be used directly the supported ways to activate the functionality represented by the contents of this directory are these:

@0BTAIN.COMselective install (YES - that's a ZERO!)
@CLONE.COMarchive (parts of) a WASD package
@DEMO.COMdemonstration server
@INSTALL.COMinstall new package
@SCRIPTS.COMinstall/remove package scripts
@SECURE.COM(re)apply package security profile
@SELECT.COMselectively apply files from a package archive
@UPDATE.COMupdate existing package
@UPDATE_CLEANUP.COMremove superfluous files left from earlier packages
       Name                                 Revised         Size  Description
[TXT]  0btain.com                 30-Aug-2020 14:28       17,490  DCL procedure
[TXT]  accounts.com               30-Aug-2020 14:28       19,006  DCL procedure
[TXT]  build.com                  30-Aug-2020 14:28        9,886  DCL procedure
[TXT]  clone.com                  30-Aug-2020 14:28       16,640  DCL procedure
[TXT]  demo.com                   30-Aug-2020 14:28        7,508  DCL procedure
[TXT]  install.com                30-Aug-2020 14:28        9,826  DCL procedure
[HTM]  readme.html                30-Aug-2020 14:28        1,098  HyperText Markup Language
[TXT]  scripts.com                30-Aug-2020 14:28       26,443  DCL procedure
[TXT]  scripts_all.com            30-Aug-2020 14:28       11,358  DCL procedure
[TXT]  scripts_htexe_cgibin.com   30-Aug-2020 14:28        2,796  DCL procedure
[TXT]  sechan.com                 30-Aug-2020 14:28        3,272  DCL procedure
[TXT]  secure.com                 30-Aug-2020 14:28        7,802  DCL procedure
[TXT]  secure_pre81_info.com      30-Aug-2020 14:28        8,912  DCL procedure
[TXT]  select.com                 30-Aug-2020 14:28       16,662  DCL procedure
[TXT]  ssl_detect.com             30-Aug-2020 14:28       12,711  DCL procedure
[TXT]  ssl_finish.com             30-Aug-2020 14:28        3,641  DCL procedure
[TXT]  update.com                 30-Aug-2020 14:28       16,824  DCL procedure
[TXT]  update_cleanup.com         30-Aug-2020 14:28       11,129  DCL procedure
[TXT]  usernames.com              30-Aug-2020 14:28        4,394  DCL procedure