Index of  //*.*

Note: Some directory icons have monochrome (the default) and colour alternatives. Copy the alternate set using the ALTICONS.COM procedure. View the icons in this directory using the GLIST script.
       Name                                 Revised         Size  Description
[TXT]               30-Aug-2020 14:28          871  DCL procedure
[IMG]  app.gif                    30-Aug-2020 14:28          896  GIF image
[IMG]  back.gif                   30-Aug-2020 14:28           89  GIF image
[IMG]  binary.gif                 30-Aug-2020 14:28          111  GIF image
[IMG]  binhex.gif                 30-Aug-2020 14:28          107  GIF image
[IMG]  blank.gif                  30-Aug-2020 14:28           60  GIF image
[IMG]  compressed.gif             30-Aug-2020 14:28          102  GIF image
[IMG]  compressed_c.gif           30-Aug-2020 14:28          903  GIF image
[IMG]  compressed_m.gif           30-Aug-2020 14:28          102  GIF image
[IMG]  directory.gif              30-Aug-2020 14:28          100  GIF image
[IMG]  directory_c.gif            30-Aug-2020 14:28          909  GIF image
[IMG]  directory_m.gif            30-Aug-2020 14:28          100  GIF image
[IMG]  doc.gif                    30-Aug-2020 14:28          100  GIF image
[IMG]  dummy.gif                  30-Aug-2020 14:28           60  GIF image
[IMG]  error.gif                  30-Aug-2020 14:28          104  GIF image
[IMG]  file.gif                   30-Aug-2020 14:28          888  GIF image
[IMG]  ftp.gif                    30-Aug-2020 14:28          108  GIF image
[IMG]  gzip.gif                   30-Aug-2020 14:28           98  GIF image
[IMG]  gzip_c.gif                 30-Aug-2020 14:28          909  GIF image
[IMG]  gzip_m.gif                 30-Aug-2020 14:28           98  GIF image
[IMG]  html.gif                   30-Aug-2020 14:28          100  GIF image
[IMG]  image.gif                  30-Aug-2020 14:28          107  GIF image
[IMG]  image_c.gif                30-Aug-2020 14:28          909  GIF image
[IMG]  image_m.gif                30-Aug-2020 14:28          107  GIF image
[IMG]  index.gif                  30-Aug-2020 14:28          107  GIF image
[IMG]  index2.gif                 30-Aug-2020 14:28          108  GIF image
[IMG]  movie.gif                  30-Aug-2020 14:28          105  GIF image
[IMG]  movie_c.gif                30-Aug-2020 14:28          918  GIF image
[IMG]  movie_m.gif                30-Aug-2020 14:28          105  GIF image
[IMG]  pdf.gif                    30-Aug-2020 14:28          136  GIF image
[IMG]  pdf_c.gif                  30-Aug-2020 14:28          136  GIF image
[IMG]  pdf_m.gif                  30-Aug-2020 14:28          136  GIF image
[IMG]  postscript.gif             30-Aug-2020 14:28          909  GIF image
[IMG]  ps.gif                     30-Aug-2020 14:28          107  GIF image
[HTM]  readme.html                30-Aug-2020 14:28          397  HyperText Markup Language
[htm]  reporterror.shtml          30-Aug-2020 14:28        2,843  HyperText Markup Language (pre-processed)
[HTM]  servicenotfound.html       30-Aug-2020 14:28          672  "Service Not Found"
[IMG]  sound.gif                  30-Aug-2020 14:28          112  GIF image
[HTM]  status1xx.html             30-Aug-2020 14:28        2,504  "1xx - Information"
[HTM]  status2xx.html             30-Aug-2020 14:28        4,995  "2xx - Success"
[HTM]  status3xx.html             30-Aug-2020 14:28        6,251  "3xx - Redirection"
[HTM]  status4xx.html             30-Aug-2020 14:28        9,328  "4xx - Client Error"
[HTM]  status5xx.html             30-Aug-2020 14:28        3,463  "5xx - Server Error"
[HTM]  statushelp.html            30-Aug-2020 14:28        1,854  "Help ... HTTP Status Messages"
[IMG]  tar.gif                    30-Aug-2020 14:28          108  GIF image
[IMG]  telnet.gif                 30-Aug-2020 14:28          108  GIF image
[IMG]  text.gif                   30-Aug-2020 14:28          101  GIF image
[IMG]  unknown.gif                30-Aug-2020 14:28          102  GIF image
[HTM]  updfilters.html            30-Aug-2020 14:28          156  "Update Help - Filters"
[HTM]  updhelp.html               30-Aug-2020 14:28       12,179  "Update Help"
[IMG]  updpreview.gif             30-Aug-2020 14:28          321  GIF image
[IMG]  url.gif                    30-Aug-2020 14:28          902  GIF image
[IMG]  uu.gif                     30-Aug-2020 14:28          107  GIF image
[BIN]  wasd.js                    30-Aug-2020 14:28       18,021  JavaScript source
[IMG]  wp.gif                     30-Aug-2020 14:28          107  GIF image
[IMG]  x-script.gif               30-Aug-2020 14:28          101  GIF image
[IMG]  x-shtml.gif                30-Aug-2020 14:28          101  GIF image